Concept Review
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Both movements changed people’s thoughts about the world: Ideas in scientific technology and theories broke through the Catholic Church’s authority People have the power to reason and prove past teachings wrong People are born with natural rights Governments should protect people’s rights Social classes should not be determined at birth
Words and ideas associated with the Enlightenment :
Revolutions based on the Enlightenment US Revolution French Revolution Latin American Revolutions European Revolutions during the 1800’s -Called for the fall of Absolute Monarchies -Encouraged governments based on social contracts-agreement between the people and government. -Believed in Liberty and the Natural Rights of Man-did not support slavery in Haiti for example -Focused on the social and political change that worked toward the common good.
French Revolution Causes-debt, poor leadership by the King and Queen, un equal social classes and taxation, economic troubles and famine, the Enlightenment The French Revolution set many other revolutions in motion. Especially the nationalistic and revolutions for reform in Europe during the 1800’s. How do you think history would be different if the Estates- General would have allowed all members to vote equally when King Louis called the meeting together in 1789?
Industrialization -First began in Britain due to plentiful natural resources and easy access to the sea -Agriculture transformed first which allowed more food to be produced, more workers to be free of farming on their own and moving into factories to work and create new technologies. -Life changed in basic ways from people living on farms to migrating to cities to work and live an urban life. -Britain’s main industry was textiles where women and children were employed under dangerous and unsanitary working conditions. -In the long term, Industrialization brought countries an increase in their standard of living due to modern technologies and mass production
Industrialization and Economy Industrialization in Europe led to revolutions because radical urban workers sought socialistic reforms to level the playing field for the poor working class and wealthy upper and middle classes. Capitalism was an economic system that helped industrialization flourish. Little rules and government intervention. Communist Philosophers like Karl Marx despised it because he believed that capitalism allowed for a few people to prosper and the others would fall into poverty