Aim: How can we begin Introduction to Media Arts? Thursday, 1/26/17 Aim: How can we begin Introduction to Media Arts? Do Now: What do you expect from this course? HW: Make note of your social media and technology use. Join Media Arts on Enroll in Media Arts on
Intro: Grading Participation – 10% Journals – 10% Graded Work – 70% Introduction to Media Arts (English 102) will fulfill your second semester senior year English graduation requirement. Over the course of the semester we will take a close look at the way Mass Media impacts society and affects our everyday lives. We will focus on the following topics over the course of the semester: Advertising Print Media – newspapers, magazines, books, blogs Audio Media – radio, podcasts, internet radio Video Media – TV, YouTube, etc. Social Media – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc Film Grading Participation – 10% Journals – 10% Graded Work – 70% 3rd Marking Period Major Assignments – 3X Social Media Paper Advertising Paper Advertising Project Advertising Test Minor Assignments – 1X 4-8 Assignments/Quizzes 4th Marking Period Major Assignments – 3X Film Paper 1 Film Paper 2 Film Project Film Test Minor Assignments – 1X 2-4 Film Quizzes 2-4 Misc. Assignments
Late submissions… All late submissions will be assess a 10 point penalty per DAY late (including weekends/holidays).
Supplies… Binder with loose-leaf or a notebook Folder Access to and
Journals Most classes will start with time allotted to respond to a journal prompt. Some journals will be completed during your own time or for ‘homework.’ All journals should be a paragraph minimum unless otherwise noted. You will not receive credit for one or two simple sentences. All journals need to be kept in a separate, dedicated part of your notebook/binder. Keep your journals separate from your notes, HW, etc. Keep your journals ORGANIZED. It is ok of your journals are out of order. Each journal needs to be NUMBERED. You need not write the prompt. Leave space between each journal. It is not necessary to write each journal on a separate page. However, you must skip at least 3 lines if you intend on writing more than one journal on the same piece of paper. Use front and backs of paper. Journals will count for 10% of your marking period grade. You are responsible for completing each journal, whether you are in class or not. Your journals will be checked at the end of each marking period.
LIU - The HSS portal is open for spring registration. Go to Register for ENG 44 Registration January 17 through February 28 Late registration with additional fee March 1 through March 15 Last day to register or add a class = March 15 Last day to drop (no refund or drop after this) = April 15 Cost is $290 per course Students coming as freshman to LIU Post with 3 HSS credits and a “B” get a $2500 renewable scholarship; those with 6 or more credits (2 courses) and a “B” get a $5,000 renewable scholarship and Schoology will be used for communication, access to class resources, and submission of assignments. Everyone is required to access and use Schoology throughout the course. The major papers will be submitted on Additional assignments may also be submitted on It is your responsibility to ensure that you can log into and use each site. Write down your usernames/passwords. See me ASAP if you have questions, problems, etc. Schoology: username = fpm.firstname.lastname Password = school ID or log in with the username and password you created. Be sure to enter ‘Floral Park Memorial High School’ in third box. Join this class with the following access code PD 2 - WW5C8-5MJQS Log in or create an account. Make note of the email address you use and your password. Enroll in this class. Once enrolled, this class will appear under ‘Carey High School.’ Class ID - 14484895 Enrollment Password – media and Schoology will be used for communication, access to class resources, and submission of assignments. Everyone is required to access and use Schoology throughout the course. The major papers will be submitted on Additional assignments may also be submitted on It is your responsibility to ensure that you can log into and use each site. Write down your usernames/passwords. See me ASAP if you have questions, problems, etc. Schoology: username = fpm.firstname.lastname Password = school ID or log in with the username and password you created. Be sure to enter ‘Floral Park Memorial High School’ in third box. Join this class with the following access code PD 4 - 8FVX5-TDXMD Log in or create an account. Make note of the email address you use and your password. Enroll in this class. Once enrolled, this class will appear under ‘Carey High School.’ Class ID – 14484943 Enrollment Password – media and Schoology will be used for communication, access to class resources, and submission of assignments. Everyone is required to access and use Schoology throughout the course. The major papers will be submitted on Additional assignments may also be submitted on It is your responsibility to ensure that you can log into and use each site. Write down your usernames/passwords. See me ASAP if you have questions, problems, etc. Schoology: username = fpm.firstname.lastname Password = school ID or log in with the username and password you created. Be sure to enter ‘Floral Park Memorial High School’ in third box. Join this class with the following access code PD 9 - MFNQ4-R8K97 Log in or create an account. Make note of the email address you use and your password. Enroll in this class. Once enrolled, this class will appear under ‘Carey High School.’ Class ID – 14484957 Enrollment Password – media Log in or create an account. Make note of the email address you use and your password. Enroll in this class. Once enrolled, this class will appear under ‘Carey High School.’ Pd 2 Class ID - 14484895 Enrollment Password – media Pd 4 Class ID – 14484943 Pd 9 Class ID – 14484957