Research of W.S. (2014-2015) Title Journal Status A self-regularized approach for deriving the free-free flexibility and stiffness matrices Computers & Structures Published (Vol. 145, 2014, pp. 12–22) Revisit of the dual BEM using SVD updating technique Journal of Mechanics In Press (October 4, 2014.) On the free terms of the dual BIE for N-dimensional Laplace problems Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (Feb 08, 2015) Revisit of degenerate scales in the BIEM/BEM for 2D elasticity problems Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures Accepted (July 03, 2015) A self-regularization approach for static analysis of the free-free plane and space trusses Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Submitted (July 01, 2015) Necessary and Sufficient BIE for 2D elasticity problems In preparation Made by W.S. (20150703)