AP Human Geography
What is AP Human Geography? Culture - religion, ethnicity, language, etc.) Humans and their environment Population and Migration Political landscape (not just red and blue states) Urban Landscapes Agricultural land use/sustainable development Economics …...and maps
Why is this important?
Expectations College Board curriculum/pacing & our textbook Self-advocates/emailing Remind 101 Text @killough44 to 81010 to join OR text @FailsAPHG to 81010 to join Tutoring M/W 3:40-4:15, T/TH 7:45-8:15 Website killoughfm9.weebly.com or tinyurl.com/FailsFM9
Grading Procedures Unit Test break down Quizzes 75MC – 1 hour Vocab pts Test Retakes Quizzes 3 to 5 each unit
AP Test Friday, May 18th, 2018 @8:00AM 75 MC – 60 minutes 3 Free Response Questions – 75 minutes
So Why English Pre-AP? Writing Literature allows for more examples to pull from As an AP Reader, what I saw…. Not enough description Not enough background knowledge
The Struggle is and will be Real This year they will grow as learners because of the challenges they’ll face. Homework, style of questions, concepts or content, working collaboratively in groups to solve problems Some will learn what learning style fits them best, others may learn the best way to study, and still others will start to understand what it takes to take difficult classes.
“Freshmen really shouldn’t be taking this class because they just don’t know enough.” –random AP reader I beg to differ
By the numbers... 6 years of Freshman - over 500 so far Every year we beat the global average First year average 3.615 Every year our scores get better Last years average 4.161 Over 50% earned a 5 on the exam Every year we find new ways to get concepts across End of course Evaluation
“It’s a marathon, not a sprint” – (someone famous)