Investigation Materials List The question to investigate: How does water affect the earth? In NGSS language: Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes. HS-ESS2-5
Data Collectors Stopwatches (time data in seconds and milliseconds) The #1 most important decision for materials… “How will you collect your data?” Stopwatches (time data in seconds and milliseconds) Clock (time data in minutes and hours)
Thermometers (temperature data) Data Collectors The #1 most important decision for materials… “How will you collect your data?” Thermometers (temperature data)
Sensors/Probeware: Temperature Humidity CO2 Data Collectors The #1 most important decision for materials… “How will you collect your data?” Sensors/Probeware: Temperature Humidity CO2
Data Collectors Smartphone video camera* (visual data) The #1 most important decision for materials… “How will you collect your data?” Smartphone video camera* (visual data) Smartphone photo camera* (visual data) *Not provided. Student must use their own.
Pencils (visual data) Colored Pencils (visual data) Data Collectors The #1 most important decision for materials… “How will you collect your data?” Pencils (visual data) Colored Pencils (visual data)
Containers Large Plastic Tub (1/2 gallon, 64oz, ≈2liters) Small Plastic Tub (1/4 gallon, 32oz, ≈1liters)
Glass Beakers: Lots of sizes 1000ml, 600ml, 250ml, 100ml, etc. Containers Glass Beakers: Lots of sizes 1000ml, 600ml, 250ml, 100ml, etc.
Plastic Bags: Small, Medium, Large Containers Plastic Bags: Small, Medium, Large
Things that hold stuff together Rubber Bands Scotch Tape Duct Tape Masking Tape Electrical Tape Glue
Dirt Rocks Plants Water Earth Stuff Dirt Rocks Plants Water
Hot/Cold Water Hot Plate Freezer Refrigerator Temperature Changers Hot/Cold Water Hot Plate Freezer Refrigerator
Stream Tables
Construction Tools ***Mr.Sobotka has a bunch of tools at his house that may be available if you ask.
There’s more…Still adding to this. --Sobotka