7th Grade Registration Ms. Dawson
RISING 7TH GRADE ELECTIVES Year Long Electives: BAND / ORCHESTRA – Students currently enrolled in these classes are encouraged to continue their musical experience! (signature required) Spanish I-A - The first ½ of a high school credit foreign language class. Students must successfully complete I-A and the 8th grade I-B level to receive the credit for Spanish I. (application required) Advanced Choir -(signature required) Semester Long Electives: Computer Skills and Applications I Computer Skills and Applications II (must have taken Comp App. 1 in 6th grade) Exploring Entrepreneurship Intro Computer Science I Art 7 Chorus Musical Theater (acting AND singing) Drama I Drama II (teacher recommendation required) Media Arts (digital and graphics) Phys Ed- Dance-*To take a 7th grade PE elective you must earn an A or B in 6th grade PE/Health Phys Ed- Fitness-*To take a 7th grade PE elective you must earn an A or B in 6th grade PE/Health Required Elective: PE/Health 7 Check wording to reflect the registration cards Billmire
*More information will be provided during Parent registration night* Registration UPDATE French will not be offered 17-18 school year as a foreign language option. Student who are wanting to take Spanish 1-A must turn in an application to be considered. Applications will be made available to students via their ELA teacher or school counselor during the registration period. STUDENTS MUST REQUEST THIS APPLICATION. *More information will be provided during Parent registration night*
Registration Process= What do I need to do??? Use PENCIL when filling out your card so that changes in elective courses can be made neatly and legibly. Complete the demographic information at the top of the card. Number elective choices (1-10) EVERY elective course should have a number beside it. Have your parents sign the bottom. Return card to your homeroom teacher by Thursday April 27th NO CARD (or correct card) = NO CHOICE
What you need to know about scheduling…. 483 students as of March 7th, 2017 THOUGHTFUL CHOICES: Make sure you pick electives YOU want to take not your PARENTS. I work hard to make sure every students gets their 1st choice You will never be scheduled for your 10th choice but sometimes will end up with your 4-8th choices due to numbers Schedule change requests are not guaranteed for ANYONE Already taken the course Have not met prerequisite for the course In the wrong level Have an open mind and try something new!!!
Registration Timeline Classroom Guidance- April 3rd- 7th Parent Registration Night- Tuesday April 18th Registration Worksheets and Spanish applications made available- April 24th Registration Period- May 1st-May 4th Monday May 4th – students will receive card from homeroom teacher Thursday May 4th- students will return card to homeroom teacher- NO EXCEPTIONS
Registration UPDATE In order to unsure that placement rubrics are completed properly registration will be pushed back a week to unsure students have completed MAP testing and important data point used to determine placement. Spanish applications will be made available beginning April 24th and will be due back attached to students registration cards!!
If you have QUESTIONS…. 1. Stop me when you see me and I will be more than happy answer your question. 2. Google form link Link: https://goo.gl/forms/TIS2rVDl4W48U5BL2 Make sure you are checking your student email 3. Ask me when I stop by your homeroom later this week
FAQ’s Can I take 2 year long electives? (Example Band and Spanish) Absolutely, you will still take PE/HEALTH just in a different format than most students. Do I number yearlong electives if I do not wish to take any yearlong electives? If you do not wish to be considered for placement in any of the yearlong elective options you do not need to number them at all but you must number all of the semester long elective options. How do I make sure I get all of my elective choices? There is no way to make sure you get all of your elective choice options. Placement in class for everyone is determined by student numbers, amount of sections being offered, and the popularity of that elective option. Do I have to take Spanish in middle school to be on track in high school? No you do not. Taking high school Spanish in middle school is a 2 year commitment (7th and 8th) and is an educational opportunity not requirement. You will still be on track to accomplish any goals you set in high school.