St Andrew’s The Next Two Years
Why Meet Now?
Already a Good School Serving the community for 20 years OFSTED have recognised our strengths ‘Good with outstanding features’ ‘Outstanding’ in areas including: Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education Care, guidance and support of pupils Pupils’ contribution to community EYFS leadership Pupils feel safe at school Links with others, including partnership with parents
Already a Good School The breadth of what we offer: Breakfast club French Clubs and activities Small class sizes 10 acre site two school halls swimming pool trips programme, etc.....
Always Be Doing More Start with outcomes ‘What are we aiming to achieve?’
Always Be Doing More Certificate of Entitlement DRAFT
Always Be Doing More Aims Entitlements School Plan
Joined-up Planning Whole school working together to achieve plan, for example: school plan Head reports to governors Head letters to parents governor groups themselves
Joined-up Planning Teaching & Learning Finance Physical Resources School & Community
Joined-up Planning Teaching & Learning Finance Physical Resources School & Community
Teaching & Learning most important area of planning heart of the school biggest governor group most resources core commitment to our pupils and parents
Teaching & Learning School Plan has 3 T&L objectives: 1 – raising standards in Literacy and Numeracy 2 – more exciting learning 3 – pupil awareness and responsibility Plus continuing focus on challenge and support
Teaching & Learning Vital to keep track of very child Testing Statistics Progress tracking Intervention programme
Physical Resources Physical resources to deliver our curriculum Huge opportunities at St Andrew’s Legacy of secondary origins - space Esher Primary, Claygate Primary, Royal Kent Total area: 9 acres Total number of children: 1056 St Andrew’s Area: 10 acres Number of children: 360
Physical Resources Developments in new school plan include: Providing more sheltered spaces outside A programme of external and internal redecoration Improved KS1 toilets Developing the external learning environment More outdoor learning and play equipment Enhanced security systems Covering the swimming pool
Physical Resources The 2013 Project Redesigned foyer Corridors into galleries New Library Museum of Curiosities
School & Community Footfall Advocates Over 340,000 individual visits Positive message Improvements to frontage carried throughout site New prospectus
Team St Andrew’s staff parents children governors
Team St Andrew’s Governors enormous amount behind scenes monitoring function, critical friend greater focus on development as well as monitoring new governor group School & Community opportunities to be more visible improving communications with parents and staff
Team St Andrew’s Parents SASA – currently outstanding massive contribution to school Parents who care The more parents involved, the better the school Wealth of talent and enthusiasm
Team St Andrew’s Staff outstanding commitment always going further huge pressures on time continuing emphasis on focused training greater emphasis on career development
Communications The busier the school, the more the need to communicate Great strides this year: website parentmail Headteacher letters Weekly newsletters Termly yeargroup newsletters Will keep monitoring effectiveness 2-way communications VITAL
Looking Ahead Numbers and three-form entry huge possibilities Possible senior school to be the best working together