Physiology and Related Research Activities at the U. S Physiology and Related Research Activities at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Christopher J. Gordon, Ph.D. Toxicity Assessment Division Neurotoxicology Branch U.S. EPA Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH CENTERS Office of Air and Radiation Office of Enforcement Office of Pesticide Programs Office of Water Office of Research and Development National Health Effects and Environmental Research Laboratory
National Health Effects and Environmental Research Laboratory (NHEERL) Agency's focal point for scientific research on the effects of contaminants and environmental stressors on human health and ecosystem integrity Helps the Agency to evaluate the risks that pollution poses to humans and ecosystems Fosters cooperative research projects with academic and other scientific institutions which compliment the objectives of the EPA
Research Triangle Park, NC Watershed ecology/toxic effects Watershed monitoring/assessment Corvallis, OR Duluth, MN ● ● ● Fresh water & marine ecology Narragansett, RI Research Triangle Park, NC ● Human health effects ● Gulf Breeze, FL Marine ecosystem/population dynamics
Gulf Breeze, Florida
Narragansett, RI
Corvallis, OR
Duluth, MN
Research Triangle Park, NC
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (established in early 1960’s) A Unique Interaction between Academic, Government, and Industry Duke University North Carolina Central University Durham 10 miles 10 miles 15 miles Research Triangle Park Raleigh Chapel Hill University of North Carolina North Carolina State University Glaxo Research Triangle Institute IBM NIEHS Bayer
Human Health Effects Research in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Reproductive Cardiovascular Inhalation Pharmacokinetics Carcinogenesis Modeling Human studies 48 Principal Investigator and 120 technical staff.
Some Specific Research Initiatives in NHEERL NHEERL Quick Links Clean Air Clean/Safe Water Safe Communities Sound Science Air Toxics Aquatic Stressors Drinking Water Ecosystem Effects Ecosystems Protection Endocrine Disruptors Global Climate Change Human Health Effects Human Health Risk Particulate Matter Quality Environmental Information Sensitive Subpopulations And Children's Health
Brief History BS/MS University of Idaho Ph.D. Physiology, University of Illinois Joined EPA in1980 to study thermoregulatory effects of radiofrequency radiation 1985 Effects of environmental toxicants on thermoregulatory system-nervous system Current status: Research 75%, Administrative 25% (IACUC Chair)
Research Situation in NHEERL Team oriented projects Freedom to purse new areas of study Outside collaboration encouraged Publications encouraged; internal review for policy implications Serve on grant review panels Serve as journal reviewer and on editorial boards