How to design a safe Domestic Trampoline in EU Guangzhou, China 12 September, 2017 The Testing Inspection and Certification Sector October 2016 Washington, DC Thank you so much for the opportunity to have this meeting between the CPSC staff and IFIA. We hope this will be the first of many other interactions on the future and we look forward to discussing with the CPSC opportunities for collaboration. IFIA members play a key role in providing guidance and educating the supply chain on CPSC requirements – manufacturers, importers come to our members all the time with technical questions and we also provide trainings and webinars on a wide range of topics. Therefore, IFIA members are an important allay for the CPSC in this aspect, as consumers are safer when manufacturers understand and build safety in the earliest stages of design and production process – and our sector play a key role in this preventive approach by providing greater levels of assurance that products are safe and comply with the required standards and regulations
Domestic Trampoline Introduction 2009/48/EC & EN 71-14, which specifies requirements and test methods for trampolines for domestic use, their access devices and their enclosures, intended for outdoor and/or indoor use above ground level by one person at a time. Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding
Domestic Trampoline Main features from a safe trampoline Durability of materials Entrapment Padding Mat strength Mat deflection Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding
Domestic Trampoline Durability of materials – Metallic parts - 48 hours neutral salt spray test (5 % sodium chloride solution) in accordance with EN ISO 9227. - All structural metallic parts as well as metal fasteners and fixing mechanisms, coated or non-coated, shall present less than 1/10:th of red-rusted surface area. White rust is accepted. - Does not apply to mini-trampolines, if designed for indoor use only, and not to stainless metals (aluminium alloy or copper or stainless steel). Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding Area of defect ~10 %
Domestic Trampoline Durability of materials – Non - metallic parts - Before and after Fluorescent UV-radiation in accordance with EN ISO 4892-3, using Method A, Cycle No. 1, for a total of 400 hours. - The outermost material of the padding system for the frame and the material of the enclosure shall have a maximum force of at least 150 N. - The mat shall all retain at least 80% of their maximum force. Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding
Domestic Trampoline Entrapment - Finger Entrapment - Foot - The accessible holes, slots or gaps in any rigid material that are within the reach of a child during use of the toy when the body of the child is in a forced movement: - Trampoline is intended for children under 36 months: shall not allow a 5 mm diameter rod (with a depth of 10 mm or more), unless a 12 mm diameter rod can also be inserted. - The other: shall not allow a 7 mm diameter rod (with a depth of 10 mm or more), unless a 12 mm diameter rod can also be inserted. Entrapment - Foot - Surfaces intended for bouncing and standing shall not contain any gaps greater than 30 mm measured in one direction (see Figure below). Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding
Domestic Trampoline Entrapment – Head and Neck - Any such openings shall comply with the following requirements: all accessible completely bound openings shall, if they allow passage of probe C under a maximum force of 222 N, also allow passage of probe D under a maximum force of 222 N when tested according to EN 71-8:2011, 6.5.1 (head and neck entrapment in accessible completely bound openings). The test probes shall be applied in the downward direction of the user (feet first). b) accessible rigid circular shall not have an internal diameter between 130 mm and 230 mm. Probe C (Torso) Probe D (Large Head) Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding
Domestic Trampoline Padding - Every surface (apart from the mat and access device) where a child could stand or sit shall be covered by padding. - The padding shall cover the entire top surface of the frame. After being loaded with 2.5 times maximum user weight, the padding shall cover the entire top surface of the frame, and shall overlap the mat with a minimum of 10mm (if applicable), and the entire top surface of the frame shall remain covered by the padding (see figure at the right side). Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding - The drop height of the impactor shall be 200mm and falling test shall be performed once at ten different positions which represent the most onerous positions. - The tested peak acceleration shall not exceed 500 m/s2.
Domestic Trampoline Strength – Mat Strength of mat, suspension system and frame - Calculate the test load (t) according to the following formula: t (kg) = 4 x maximum user weight (kg) Requirement: - Inspect (visually) whether the mat material, and any sewn, welded or glued joints, as well as subsidiary attachment items show any sign of tearing, splitting or cracking. Determine whether the mat and attachment system present any failure or rupture. Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding
Domestic Trampoline Mat deflection - Calculate the test load (F) according to the following formula: F (kg) = 5 x maximum user weight (kg) - Measure the height without load (h), then load the geometric center of the mat, on a 330mm diameter rigid disc, with a mass equal to the calculated value F (kg). After 10 min, measure the deflection of the mat (d) - Calculate the percentage deflection (d) using the following formula: d (%) = 100 x d/h Requirement: - The maximum deflection shall not exceed 80 % of the distance between the mat (at rest) and the ground. - For all trampolines, the distance from the ground to the mat shall be at least 100 mm (i.e. (h)-(d) ≤ 100 mm). Here is the agenda for today’s meeting: I’ll present an overview of the Testing Inspection and certification sector and IFIA’s activities globally, with a focus on our Consumer and Industrial Product Committee Then we will move to the questions and answers session, which we have divided in two sessions: general questions about CPSC’s activities and the Third-Party testing program, and a then a more technical session where we will ask CPSC to confirm our technical interpretations to ensure that IFIA members are aligned on their understanding
THANK YOU! I’d like to finalize by thanking CPSC and organizing partners for inviting IFIA to this seminar in China. IFIA really appreciate CPSC’s trust in requiring qualified, genuine independent third party services to help fulfill its regulatory mandate. IFIA members have been providing their trusted services to Chinese manufacturers helping them reach export markets and gain global market access IFIA members are ready to provide the same trusted services to Chinese manufacturers in their effort to compete in the Chinese domestic market once China’s reform are deepened IFIA is closely monitoring and is ready to support the Chinese government in its regulatory reform efforts Thank you again; IFIA members look forward to engaging with all of you during the seminar today and to collaborating again in future opportunities