About the Point In Time Data Data is collected on surveys of households and individual persons Households may include one single person (any age), couples, families with children or any other connection that has more than one individual living together, including parenting youth households, unaccompanied youth and households with only children These numbers are based on HUD’s definition of homelessness—THE primary federal agency charged with providing funding and oversight for homeless housing and services GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
Yearly Comparison of PIT Data BOTH homeless households AND Number of Persons decreased in 2017, from 2016 & 2015 Consistent numbers over last 3 years Slight variation: 2017 had 28 fewer total persons than in 2016 Large variation: 2017 also had 63 fewer households than 2016 GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
Black/African American 2017 Population Make-Up Multiple Race Black/African American White
2017 Gender Make-Up Male Female
2017 Age Make-Up Children Youth Adults
Ethnicity/Race Increases Hispanic/Latino population has steadily grown over last 3 years, 31% growth rate since 2015. Multiple Races choice increased 35% in 2017, from 2016 Large Increase: Over last 3 years, the American Indian/Alaska Native population has increased by 70% GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org Veterans 14% Decrease of total Veteran Households of in 2017 from 2016 The Unsheltered Veteran number is down in 2017 from 2015 GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
Functional ZERO for VETERANS B.N.L 46 Total VETS 11 Are Street Homeless Staff & Volunteers from 32 agencies in Jackson and Wyandotte Counties have met weekly since January of 2015 to achieve “Functional Zero” in Veteran Homelessness This group maintains a By Name List of all homeless veterans with status of location and housing plans/updates As of July 2017, there are just 46 TOTAL VETERANS AND ONLY 11 UNSHELTERED on the community’s By Name List! GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org Youth Counts The CoC has conducted youth counts since 2014, with an emphasis on young adults age 18-24 We are getting more reliable data on the scope of and factors leading to youth homelessness The comparison of the 2016 & 2017 data is the most accurate due to survey improvements GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
Total Unaccompanied Youth Unaccompanied youth are any youth under age 24 presenting without a parent or guardian Total Unaccompanied Youth decreased by 19% in 2017 GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
Locations of Unaccompanied Youth Most significant finding in 2017: # of unsheltered youth decreased by 86% Note: Youth considered doubled up were not counted in 2017 (doesn’t fit HUD’s definition) HUD’s definition is a major source of concern for youth advocates, as it eliminates a consistent percentage of youth from official reports of homelessness The CoC is working to address those concerns GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org Total Parenting Youth Total parenting youth households and persons increased from 2015 to 2016 Both numbers decreased slightly in 2017 from 2016 GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
Locations of Parenting Youth Increase in unsheltered parenting youth households and persons in 2017 This reflects the difficulty of capturing total youth numbers using HUD’s definition that does not include doubled-up/couch surfers Locations counted for PIT by HUD include emergency shelter and transitional housing GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
Total Households-All Populations Unsheltered and transitional housing households increased from 2015 to 2016, but this year there was a slight decrease Households in emergency shelter have decreased each year The number of unsheltered households decreased by only 15 in 2017 GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
Those in Permanent Housing During Point In Time Count PIT doesn’t include persons that are in permanent housing programs funded through HUD or private dollars This chart shows the increase in persons in permanent supportive housing and rapid rehousing programs - 380 persons, an 18% increase since 2015 GKCCEH | endKChomelessness.org
EndKCHomelessness.org (Coordinated Entry Tab on Website) For More Information EndKCHomelessness.org (Coordinated Entry Tab on Website)