Diagnosis of Platyhelminthes By Dr. Refaat M.Gabre
Diagnosis of Platyhelminthes Trematodes Site of infection Diagnosis - Fasciola gigantica (large liver fluke) - Fasciola hepatica (sheep liver fluke) - Bile duct Feces (stool) examination. A sample of aspirated duodenal contents. - Fasciola buski (large intestinal fluke) - Heterophyes heetropyhes - Small intestine Stool analysis for the characteristic eggs Schistosoma haematobium Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma japonicum Urinary bladder large intestine small intestine Urinary bilhariasis Clinical diagnosis Laboratory diagnosis 1- Direct method a- Sedimentation method b- Hatching method 2- cystoscopy Intestinal bilhariasis -Clinical diagnosis (Early: diarrhea or dysentery& Later: liver cirrhosis, splenomegaly& ascites) 2- Sigmoidscopy (mucosa lesions& biobsy of sigmoid) 3- Rectal swap - Molecular biology (by using PCR)
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