Bees and Human Health Activity Sheet Vocabulary: -Honey: A sweet, sticky substance made from bees by collecting nectar from flowers. -Colony: An organization that bees live in. -Beeswax : The wax secreted from bees to make honeycombs, candles and more. -Propolis: A substance collected by honeybees used to help the body. -Venom: The poisonous substance that some animals secrete or inject into their prey. -Royal Jelly: A substance made from bees that queen bees eat. -Bee Bread: Food from nectar and honey made from bees to feed bees. Fun Facts: -Bees pollinate 1/3 of earth’s food -Bees pollinate 1/12 of a teaspoon in its lifetime -Humans rely on bees a LOT -Colony collapse disorder (C.C.D.) is when most bees in a beehive disappear Causes of C.C.D.: -Bees Flying Away -Varroa Mites -Nosema -New Queen Bee -Commercial Keeping -Artificial Food -Pesticides NOTE: These are POSSIBLE causes of C.C.D. Word Unscramble: Locnay - ______ Sabxwee - _______ Hoyne - _____ Proiplos - _______ Evmno - _____ Yrlao Lyelj - ___________ Htlahe - ______ Oplnle - ______ Uhnma - _____ Ebe Bedar _________