Staff Fest 2017
Brief History Staff Fest initially began in 1978 as a way to celebrate University staff for the support they provide year-round. This year will mark the 39th consecutive year of Staff Fest. In 2008, Staff Fest was scaled back as the University looked for ways to cut costs due to the slump in the economy. Instead of a full lunch, the event provided snacks. The event time was also changed to later in the afternoon and Emory Information Central (booths of Emory departments) was added. In recent years, we have been introducing more food, healthy snacks & moved event time back to 12:00-3:00.
Staff fest 2017 Improve the food – looking at budgets and options More seating (tables/chairs) on the Quad Doing away with Emory Information Central tables Additional activities - games, wellness demos No changes to Fun Run-Fun Walk or Volleyball (route altered because of construction at the DUC). No charitable event
Staff fest 2017 Theme and t-shirts - three designs to be voted on by the Employee Council Staff Fest Committee (coming soon) Theme and designs will be conceived from the President’s priorities rather than holding a contest 4 t-shirt colors to choose from T-shirts sold for $8 per shirt
Staff fest 2017 We need volunteers! Sign up coming soon…