Write it in your books when you have cracked it. DO NOW: Work this out Charlie.alpha.tango.hotel.oscar.lima.india.charlie.sierra Bravo. echo.lima.india.echo.victor.echo Tango.hotel.echo Uniform.november.india.victor.echo.romeo.sierra.echo Whiskey.alpha.sierra Charlie. romeo.echo.alpha.tango.echo.delta Oscar.uniform.tango Oscar.foxtrot November.oscar.tango.hotel.india.november.golf Write it in your books when you have cracked it.
We have finished looking at Judaism! Remember there are three papers in your GCSE exam: Judaism Foundational Catholic Theology Applied Catholic Theology In this next topic we are going to spend some time exploring what Catholic beliefs are about how and why we are here!
Foundational Catholic Theology 1. Origins and Meaning 2. Good and Evil
Let us pray…
TITLE: Where does the universe come from? Lo: To know Catholic beliefs about the origin of our universe To understand what Ex Nhilo means To be able to explain the concept of creation as described by St. Augustine I can explain what is meant by “ex nihilo” how Augustine described the creation of the universe. I can conclude why Augustine's explanation of how the universe was created went against previous ideas I can reflect on why the idea of ‘ex nihilo’ is important for Catholic beliefs about the origin of the universe
Starter: Key Words Transcendent: Omnipotent: Eternal: ‘Ex nihilo’: ‘Out of nothing The belief that God is outside time and space The belief that God is always all-powerful Something which has always existed and will continue to exist for ever Transcendent: Omnipotent: Eternal: ‘Ex nihilo’:
Watch the following film & make notes on the following questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HPb-rPLYoE 1. Describe Augustine’s life before he found his Christian faith 2. What were the two aims of his book “Confessions”? 3. Why did Augustine think God loved people even though they were imperfect?
Activity: In Pairs Write out the main ingredients of bread Describe how you would combine these ingredients Explain how you would change these ingredients to form a loaf of bread
Watch this video to see if you got it right! How do you make bread? Watch this video to see if you got it right! http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=making+bread&adlt=strict%2cstrict&view=detail&mid=21872D2822EB9DE75B5021872D2822EB9DE75B50&FORM=VRDGAR
The bread can be changed into other things…… When the bread goes stale, what could you do with it? You could give it to the ducks! You could grate it to form breadcrumbs and use them in other recipes. But some of the original yeast, flour and water would always be present in the new recipe. You'd still be using the same ingredients, just in a different way. Making something out of nothing! First 40 secs only………http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=magic+trick+creating+something+out+of+nothing&adlt=strict%2cstrict&view=detail&mid=233AE52C3C73AEDF6F34233AE52C3C73AEDF6F34&FORM=VRDGAR Watch…
God creates out of nothing: “Creation ex nihilo” 1. Read the hand-out 2. Highlight any words that you do not understand 3. Underline what you think are the most important key words
Activity: – true or false 1. Augustine thought the universe has always existed 2. Other Greek philosophers thought that you could make something out of nothing 3. Augustine thought that God was ‘transcendent’ (outside time and space) 4. Augustine thought God has immense power 5. Augustine thought that the universe had been made out of material (stuff) from God 6. Augustine thought the universe was not perfect because it was not created out of the same material as God
Around the room. Complete this table by searching for the information to go in the right columns. St. Augustine Greek Philosophers God is ______ and the world is ____ perfect God might ________ exist God is t_________ and omnipotent The ___________ is eternal If the world was made out of the same _______ as God it would be ____________ The only _______ which exists is that which the ________ is ______out of The _________ must have been created out of ________ Something ________be created out of nothing
Answers: Ideas about creation St. Augustine Greek Philosophers God is perfect and the world is not perfect God might not exist God is transcendent and omnipotent The universe is eternal If the world was made out of the same material as God it would be perfect The only material which exists is that which the universe is made out of The universe must have been created out of nothing Something cannot be created out of nothing
Why is Creation Ex Nihilo important for Catholics?
Exam question! B) Explain what is meant by ‘creation ex nihilo’ and why it is an important Catholic belief about the universe (5) 4x RE needed to gain full marks 1 X RE - Firstly 1 X RE – Secondly 1 X RE – Thirdly 1 X RE – Finally Firstly Creation ex Nihilo means... This is important to Catholics because... Secondly Creation ex Nihilo means... This is important to Catholics because...
Plenary Ask 5 questions about today’s lesson where the answer is always: St. Augustine