Remember our WATER CYCLE? Do you remember the awful dance Mr. G does?
A lot ends up here!
But what about our run-off that doesn’t go underground?
RIVER BASINS DRAIN water from highland divides out to the ocean!
NC has 17 major rivers that make up 17 basins washing run-off out to the sea! show poster
Each of our 17 major river basins are separated by highland ridges called DIVIDES.
RIVER BASINS DRAIN water from HIGHLANDS we call DIVIDES. Where gravity takes control & moves run-off down a big river out to sea.
And each river basin is made of smaller WATERSHEDS.
And each river basin is made of smaller WATERSHEDS. little streams, creeks, tributaries that run into a big river
And each river basin is made of smaller WATERSHEDS. little streams, creeks, tributaries that run into a big river Can you see the watersheds in this big river basin?
And each river basin is made of smaller WATERSHEDS. Here is a smaller watershed.
And each river basin is made of smaller WATERSHEDS. Here’s another small watershed.
And each river basin is made of smaller WATERSHEDS. Another smaller watershed…
How many smaller watersheds are in this river/drainage basin?
How many smaller watersheds are in this river/drainage basin? At least 9, maybe more?
How about OUR river basin… the CATAWBA river basin? Whoa, that’s a lot of watersheds.
How about OUR river basin… the CATAWBA river basin? Whoa, that’s a lot of watersheds.
Bailey Middle is right at the edge of our Catawba river basin.
Bailey Middle is located right near a highland ______.
Bailey Middle is located right near a highland divide. can you see us?
Bailey Middle is located right near a highland divide. can you see us?
Bailey Middle is located right near a divide.
Check for understanding Water table = a. top of the groundwater B. impermeable ground C. The best depth to dig a well D. A confined aquifer
Check for understanding Water table = a. top of the groundwater B. impermeable ground C. The best depth to dig a well D. A confined aquifer
Groundwater = A. Well B. aquifer C. spring D. water shed Check for understanding Groundwater = A. Well B. aquifer C. spring D. water shed
Groundwater = A. Well B. aquifer C. spring D. water shed Check for understanding Groundwater = A. Well B. aquifer C. spring D. water shed
River basins = A. A Divide B. A water shed C. Major rivers D. drains Check for understanding River basins = A. A Divide B. A water shed C. Major rivers D. drains
River basins = A. A Divide B. A water shed C. Major rivers D. drains Check for understanding River basins = A. A Divide B. A water shed C. Major rivers D. drains