What we will do What we will learn 10N 23 Haratua 2017 Quick quiz and preliminaries How to start well Revisit diagrams of circuits using 3 lamps (twice) and describe the brightnesses and how those compare to the currents through them and the voltages across them How to link layout, brightness, current flow and how to explain the behaviour of a circuit See how magnetism and movement make electricity How generators work Extend the above to hydro-electricity with turbine and generator How the generator idea is USED Compare the advantages and disadvantages of hydro-electricity Why some people like and some people dislike hydro-electricity If time, begin 3pin plugs How our plugs work
10N – Seating Plan Front of lab - Whiteboard
HW item Skills practiced HW booklet pages on skeletal system, muscles and joints, blood and heart, circulatory system Pages 1 - 8 Due Thursday 2nd of March 2017 Time management Knowledge of three systems in the body HW booklet pages 9 – 18: circulatory, breathing and digestive systems. Due Monday 20th of March 2017 HW booklet pages 19, 27, 28, 29 Human Reproduction Due Zenday 37th of Octember Human Reproduction EOT test Due Monday 10th of April Humans and reproduction
Conventional Current flows from POSITIVE to NEGATIVE
RESISTORS AGAIN Resistors convert …………………….. ………………………… energy into ….......................... energy (and sometimes some ………… energy)
Efficiency Efficiency is a measure of how well input energy (in this case, electrical potential) is converted into output (desired) energy. Some things are 100% efficient. E.g. electric blankets convert 100% of the electrical potential energy (EPE) into heat energy (because heat energy is what is wanted) Some things are not 100% efficient. E.g. a toaster converts EPE into heat energy (mostly) but some is wasted as light energy too) An incandescent (hot wire) lamp is very inefficient as we want light energy but most of the energy is converted to heat and only a small %age is converted to light)
Task Draw two circuit diagrams for two circuits: each containing a battery of cells and three lamps. Draw one circuit with the light bulbs in series and the other diagram with the lamps in parallel. It is important, for circuits, to use the rules for drawing circuits. Make sure you label the positive and negative ends of the battery. Write up a discussion comparing the brightnesses of the lamps in the circuits you have drawn. For each circuit, you should mention the current and how the circuits compare.`
Electromagnetic Induction… … is the fancy way of saying “making electricity by using magnetism and movement”