God Provides
God Provides Deliverance for Israel Promised (Exo. 3:8; Gen. 15:13-16) Escape from slavery (Exo. 12:37-42, 51; 14:21-31) Don’t go back (Exo. 14:13; 13:17; Deut. 17:16; 28:68) Those who turned back to Egypt were destroyed (Num. 14:4; Jer. 42:13-22)
God Provides Guidance for Israel Sustenance for Israel Pillar of cloud and fire (Exo. 13:18, 21-22) When to go and when to stay (Num. 9:15-23) Sustenance for Israel Water (Exo. 15:22-27; 17:3-6) Manna (Exo. 16:14-18, 31-35) Quail (Num. 11:31-32) Everything they needed (Neh. 9:20-21)
God Provides Inheritance for Israel Rejected (Num. 14:31) Obtained (Josh. 21:43-45) Promise fulfilled (Gen. 15:18; I Kings 4:21)
God Provides
God Provides Deliverance for us Freed from the slavery of sin (Col. 1:13-14) By the truth (John 8:31-36) By the blood of Christ (Rev. 1:4-6) Don’t go back (II Peter 2:20-22)
God Provides Guidance for us Sustenance for us Following Jesus (John 8:12) His word is our light (Psa. 119:105) Sustenance for us Physical needs (Matt. 6:25-33) Spiritual needs (Matt. 4:4; 5:6; John 4:10-14; 6:35; I Cor. 10:1-13; Rev. 3:18)
God Provides Inheritance for us Heaven (I Peter 1:3-5) Don’t reject it (Heb. 3:12-4:2; Acts 13:46) Strive for it (Heb. 4:11) “Be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” II Peter 1:10-11