Aim Adventure Activities To develop students personally, socially and physically through adventure activities, in a safe and enjoyable environment. Page 32 - Teacher Guidelines
What is Orienteering??? A family of sports that requires skills to navigate from point to point in diverse and usually unknown terrain A Competitive sport that combines running with navigation A Cross country race where you have to find controls
There are four activities taught in one academic year Operational Context Syllabus content is presented at two levels. LEVEL ONE Introductory experience LEVEL TWO Deepens understanding and enhances level of performance There are four activities taught in one academic year
Orienteering Level 2 Skills Pacing Distance Estimation Understanding Scale Understanding Legends Setting the map/Map Orientation Thumbing the Map Country Code Line Orienteering Event Photo Orienteering Level 2 Skills Pacing Distance Estimation Score orienteering Event Cross Country Orienteering Event
There are three things common to all maps: Scale Legend Direction
Understanding Basic Maps. Understanding Scale What is a map Understanding Basic Maps Understanding Scale What is a map? A bird eye view of an area of land. There are three things common to all maps 1. Scale, 2. A Legend and 3. North Show the class an Ordinance survey (os) map of half the country 1:250,000 Show the class a os map 1:50,000 And an orienteering map 1:10,000 What is the difference between each? The scale (1cm = 2500meters, 1cm = 500m, 1cm = 100meters. (1cm is roughly the width of your finger). So how does an orienteering map differ from the above? Smaller area, more detail etc. Looking below at landscape model. You have buildings, ruined walls, fences, walls, lakes, rivers etc. Map 1 shows what they look like on a map. Take away buildings, walls etc and what do you get (map 2) Map 1a &1b Get Your wood work department to make this model Map 2
Legend Link in with fun relays and work up towards a legend relay game
Direction Where is North. Do fun events running to different directions in hall (ie North, south, east, west. NW etc). Show next slide setting the map and its importance. Get students to draw triangle onto thumb (its function is for maintaining position on the map. Link everything into setting the map event
Setting the map is directly linked to direction. Orientate the map Setting the map is directly linked to direction. Orientate the map. Use in conjunction with setting the map game
Thumbing the Map A development skill for Orienteering and Mountaineering. The idea is that your eyes will zoom in on the painted arrow on your finger and your position on the map. In turn you will be able to follow your progression as you move across the terrain. If you have a large map. It also aids you to fold the map to the region you are navigating in.
Do relay linking images to the country code Followed by the punch relay. Cards 1 to 10 SEN Both of these relays address SEN
LINE EVENT - HRA Explain That the line follows haNDRAILS Addresses students SEN wheelchair sight HRA QUESTIONS ON ROUTE Task 1 answer questions, Task 2 questions and mark on the map, Task 4 Questions mark on map and mark photo for bonus points SEN Basic photo. Advanced Group harder more obscure image
PHOTO ORIENTEERING © Jcpess 2008 SEN Basic photo. Advanced Group harder more obscure image Mark on map location of photo. © Jcpess 2008