WAKE CONTROL Umpire boat wake – a subject of increasing importance Wake from ‘returning’ Umpires can be minimized
1. STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START Two chase boats at the start area Typically, Principal Umpire on low side
STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START Both chase boats follow race
STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START At the finish Principal Umpire completes the race procedure Secondary Umpire waits at the finish area until race procedure is completed
STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START Both Umpire boats return in tandem at speed Centre of course to equalize disturbance across lanes
STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START When necessary, stop, turn at right angle to clear course at ‘trickle’ speed
Some wake facts! Regardless of boat speed or size, wake will form at an angle of 19.48 degrees to boat centerline If returning in lane 1 of a 6 lane course, your wake will not clear lane 6 until 250m behind you - and will be uneven across the lanes! If returning up the center of a 6 lane course your wake will clear the course within 125m behind - and will be equal across the lanes.
2. MODIFIED STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START Two chase boats at the start area Typically, Principal Umpire is on low side
MODIFIED STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START Both chase boats follow race until Principal Umpire waves off secondary
MODIFIED STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START Principal continues to follow race Secondary returns at low speed to start area
MODIFIED STANDARD RACE FOLLOWING START Principal completes the race procedure … …then returns at high speed in center of course
Two chase boats at the start area Principle Umpire on the high side 3. PROGRESSION SYSTEM 1 START 5 4 3 2 Two chase boats at the start area Principle Umpire on the high side Secondary on the low side Remaining Umpires spaced down the edge of the course
Principal and Secondary follow until race becomes stabilized PROGRESSION SYSTEM 1 START 2 5 4 3 Principal and Secondary follow until race becomes stabilized
Principal waves off secondary … PROGRESSION SYSTEM 2 START 1 5 4 3 Principal waves off secondary … …who slowly moves to high side to become principal on next race As race passes, each Umpire moves up one position at ‘trickle’ speed Umpires along the course support the Principle Umpire
As race passes, each Umpire moves up one position at ‘trickle’ speed PROGRESSION SYSTEM 2 1 START 5 4 3 As race passes, each Umpire moves up one position at ‘trickle’ speed
Principal Umpire completes race … PROGRESSION SYSTEM 2 START 4 1 5 3 Principal Umpire completes race … …then joins the procession at edge of course – at ‘trickle’ speed No wake from returning Umpires
4. PROGRESSION SYSTEM WITH TWO UMPIRES FOLLOWING 1 START 2 5 4 3 Principal and Secondary follow race
4. PROGRESSION SYSTEM WITH TWO UMPIRES FOLLOWING 3 1 START 2 5 4 As race passes – each Umpire moves up two places
4. PROGRESSION SYSTEM WITH TWO UMPIRES FOLLOWING 3 1 START 2 5 4 As early as possible, Secondary Umpire starts their return at ‘trickle’ speed Primary Umpire completes race procedure
4. PROGRESSION SYSTEM WITH TWO UMPIRES FOLLOWING 3 START 1 5 4 2 Primary Umpire completes race procedure and moves to first position at ‘trickle’ speed Secondary Umpire continues up to second position If you are on the course and two umpires pass, move up two positions!
WAKE CONTROL Best wake control method dependent on venue, athlete skill, number of Umpires System to be used is set by Chief Umpire for each regatta
Questions? Suggestions? Ideas? WAKE CONTROL Questions? Suggestions? Ideas?