Working and Annotated Bibliographies Step One: Select the Topic Step Two: Preliminary Research in Authoritative Summaries Step Three: Narrowing the Topic & Tentative Thesis Statement and Now: Step Four: Building a Working or Annotated Bibliography (Input from Dr. James Tollett)
Step Four: Building the Annotated Bibliography Provides an overview of sources available in a given library Creates a targeted list and location of scholarly books, periodicals, and reference works to explore for Research Paper Summarizes and Evaluates sources as to relevance to Thesis Statement Allows for the Final Bibliography to be constructed
For Scholarly Works: Remember: Need footnotes or endnotes, and A Bibliography based on the works of other scholarly research
For Books: Use Library Catalog
For Journals/Periodicals Use: Theological Databases from the Database List on the Library Homepage - ATLA Religion Database w/ATLASerials, Christian Periodical Index, Theological Journals Search, New Testament & Old Testament Abstracts, or the Encyclopaedia Judaica, or Journals List (Subject area: Philosophy and Religion) from Journals List on Library Homepage
For Reference Works Use: Library Handout, “ORU Theological Reference Books” Search the online catalog, using the subject keyword search: church*, theolog*, Christian*, religi*, Bible, or missions with either encyclopedias or dictionaries Also, Use New Credo & Gale Virtual Reference Databases AND Browse the shelves in the Reference Room, OR Reference Books
For Additional Help in Finding Sources: See the following two links from last week: ORU Library Guide for GTHE 517 ORU Library Resources for Distance Learners, and/or Talk to a Reference Librarian at the Reference Desk, and When physically away from the Library: Ask-A-Librarian: 918-495-6887 or, or Distance Learner Library Services: 918-495-7495 or
Annotated Bibliography Rouse, Ruth, and Stephen C. Neill, eds. A History of the Ecumenical Movement. Vol. 1, 1517-1948. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1967. This is an authoritative survey of the Ecumenical Movement, covering the period from the Reformation to 1948. It contains essays by main scholars in the field. This volume includes an extensive bibliography, an analytical subject index, and an author index. While this reference is very relevant to the thesis statement, volume 2, which covers the period 1948-1968 (edited by Harold E. Fey; also published by Westminster Press, in 1970), will add even more to the paper. Thus, the two volumes taken together will be highly relevant to the thesis statement. Specifically, the historical information in these two volumes will be included in the background section of the paper.