VIVA 20th Annual Users’ Group Meeting October 27, 2016 Virginia Library Association Hot Springs, VA
Agenda Welcome: Luke Vilelle, Hollins University, VIVA Outreach Committee Chair VIVA Update: Anne Osterman, VIVA Director Vendor Updates Visions for an Evolving Consortium: Voices from the Member Libraries
VIVA Budget Update
Leveraging Funds to Expand Access Increase in state funding for 2016-18
VIVA Revenues FY17
Updates on Committee Work
Steering Committee Chair: Carrie Cooper, College of William and Mary Zepheira Linked Data Pilot Open Textbook Network
Zepheira Linked Data Pilot VIVA will be partnering with Zepheira and Atlas Systems to conduct a Linked Data pilot. Up to 100,000 MARC records representing archival or special collections materials will be transformed into Linked Data and published to the Web. We are seeking three to five institutions to participate in this initial pilot. Zepheira will help all VIVA institutions learn how to join the Library.Link Network via three webinars.
Open Textbook Network VIVA is now a System Member of the Open Textbook Network! The Campus Leader training workshop was held on October 6th at James Madison University. Anne
Open Textbook Network VIVA System Leaders Anita Walz, Virginia Tech Claudia Holland, George Mason University Jimmy Ghaphery, Virginia Commonwealth University Olivia Reinauer, Tidewater Community College Anne
Open Textbook Network VIVA Campus Leaders Bridgewater College: Vickie Einselen Randolph-Macon College: Laurie Preston College of William & Mary: Kathleen Delaurenti Richard Bland College : Bianca Spurlock Dabney S. Lancaster Community College: Nova Wright Roanoke College : Piper Cumbo Eastern Mennonite University: Jennifer Ulrich Shenandoah University : Andrew Kulp Germanna Community College: Matthew Pierce Sweet Briar College: Katie Glaeser Hampden-Sydney College: Brian Burns Thomas Nelson Community College: Joslyn Allison J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College: Lynn Riggs Union Presbyterian Seminary : Ann Knox James Madison University : Liz Thompson University of Mary Washington: Erin Wysong Liberty University: Hannah Lowder University of Richmond: Lucretia McCulley Marymount University : Mason Yang University of Virginia: Dave Ghamandi New River Community College : Yvonne Maute Virginia Commonwealth University: Hillary Miller Norfolk State University : Lynne Harrison Virginia State University: Arthur Fridrich Northern Virginia Community College : Heather Blicher Virginia Tech: Inga Haugen Old Dominion University : Lucy Rush Virginia Wesleyan College: Robin Takacs Piedmont Virginia Community College : Crystal Newell Virginia Western Community College: Dale Dulaney Radford University: Jackie DeLong Anne
Open Textbook Network Anne
Open Textbook Network The VIVAOER-L Listserv is the key communication tool. Discussion about OTN topics and statewide approach. Announcement of workshops. To subscribe to VIVAOER-L, send a request to Anne
Open Textbook Network $20,000 of VIVA Central Funds are available to support faculty reviews of OTN materials. These funds will be distributed on a first come/first served basis. Anne
Open Textbook Network If you are a school without a Campus or System Leader: You or your faculty may be able to attend a workshop at a neighboring institution. A Campus or System Leader may be able to provide a workshop for your faculty. VIVA may host another Train the Trainer workshop next year. Anne
Outreach Committee Chair: Luke Vilelle, Hollins University Product Announcement for Open Access and Open Educational Resources Initiatives VIVA Onboarding Tool
VIVA Onboarding Tool Link to presentation!
Resource Sharing Committee Chair: Diane Smith, George Mason University 19th VIVA Community Interlibrary Loan Forum Resource Sharing/Collections Collaboration Task Force OCLC’s Proposed Move of ILLiad to WorldShare
VIVA Interlibrary Loan Forum Held on July 22nd at Virginia Commonwealth University. 87 registered attendees. Included an update from OCLC and moderated, open discussions on policies, challenges, and best practices. Presentation by Amira from the Noun Project
Resource Sharing/Collections Collaboration Task Force A task force is discussing the Collections Committee’s recommendation of four print copies of monographic titles and whether this can be supported by the current ILL infrastructure within VIVA. Task force members are: Alison Armstrong (Radford), Jessica Bowdoin (GMU), Ashley Brewer (ODU), Madeline Kelly (GMU), Genya O’Gara (VIVA), and Shirley Thomas (VCU)
Resource Sharing/Collections Collaboration Task Force Based on OCLC data it would appear that the infrastructure can support response and delivery within 48 hours, which was deemed reasonable by the RSC.
OCLC’s Move of ILLiad to WorldShare Many VIVA institutions are concerned about the proposed move of ILLiad to WorldShare. The committee will meet with Katie Birch and Jennifer Corsi from OCLC to discuss this issue in late November. Gear by Gan Khoon Lay from the Noun Project
Collections Committee Chair: Sharon Gasser, James Madison University RFP for Ebook Collections Kanopy Streaming Media Value Metric Task Force RFP for Multidisciplinary Databases VIVA Collections Forum
RFP for Ebook Collections We are still in a confidential process and hope that contracts will be finalized by November. Quiet by Bohdan Burmich from the Noun Project
Kanopy Streaming Media VIVA is beginning a new pilot PDA plan with Kanopy for its streaming media collection of over 26,000 films from 800 producers. Central funds will pay for PDA programs at the public institutions that will cover access for at least the period from January 1 to June 30, 2017. Private institutions should opt in before November 30th. Purchases will be triggered upon the fourth independent use of a given title at an individual institution. Purchased titles will be locally-held titles.
Value Metric Task Force A task force is exploring value parameters such as price per download, usage ratio among the institution types, and discount rate for VIVA in the interest of comparing the relative value of resources to VIVA members. Task force members are: Genya O’Gara (VIVA, Chair), Beth Blanton-Kent (UVA), Cheri Duncan (JMU), Summer Durrant (UMW), Julie Kane (W&L), Madeline Kelly (GMU), and Crystal Newell (PVCC) Share by Victor Akio Zukeran from the Noun Project
RFP for Multidisciplinary Databases This RFP will take place in 2017; the current contract expires June 30, 2018. Committee members representing VIVA institutions will be: Beth Blanton-Kent (UVA, Chair), Georgie Donovan (CWM), Accacia Mullen (VMI), Crystal Newell (PVCC), Shaunna Hunter (Hampden-Sydney).
VIVA Collections Forum The next Collections Forum will take place on May 19, 2017 at Virginia Commonwealth University. Planned topics include VIVA’s Value Metric Task Force, the Zepheira Pilot, E-books, Procurement and Licensing, Marketing and Outreach, Usage Statistics, and much more. The organizing committee is: Summer Durrant (UMW, Chair), Emily Altman (VCCS), Alison Armstrong (Radford), Lisa Broughman (Randolph), Ed Lener (VT), Anne Osterman (VIVA), and Rob Tench (ODU).
Thank you to our vendors here today! APA: Neil Lader EBSCO: Ann Murdock Gale: Matt Hancox IEEE: Joe Vaitkus IOP: Kevin Batt Mergent: John Carino NEJM: Mike Tavares OCLC: Suzanne Butte OUP: Jenifer Maloney ProQuest: David Fiumara Springer Nature: Mitch Moulton Taylor & Francis: Dani Cargill Wolters Kluwer: David Troy
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