Paper Reading Groups, WS 2015/16 Seminal Discoveries & Developments Paper Reading Groups, WS 2015/16 Compulsory module NES-12 ASW - Academic and scientific work WS 2015/16, BAR/213/H Tuesday, 11:10 am (PRG-1) Tuesday 16:40 (PRG-2) IHM Nöthnitzer Straße 64 . 01187 Dresden Germany Phone: +49 351 2124990-24 Fax: +49 351 47583900 Stefan Schmult GaN epitaxy
Seminal Discoveries & Developments Paper Reading Group, WS 2013/14 The paper reading group “Seminal discoveries & developments” is the compulsory module NES-12 ASW (Academic and scientific work). Upon completion the participants should possess key competences in academic and scientific work, in particular in understanding and conveying scientific contents. The workload is 120hours per winter semester. The students can chose from ground-breaking and – occasionally – Nobel awarding works of the last 100 years in selected scientific fields. Every student should prepare a presentation (~30min) of her/his topic to introduce it to the seminar group and convey the basic ideas and results of the discovery/development. In dialogue all attendees should have gained knowledge of the different contents at the end of the course. The overall grade will be the arithmetic mean of two equally counting grades, one given for the presentation and one obtained in an oral group exam at the end of the semester. Suggestions for topics are welcome. Some options can be found below.
Topics and selected publications (1) Electrical measurements & switching J. Bardeen, W.H. Brattain, The Transistor, A Semi-Conductor Triode, Phys. Rev. 74, 230–231 (1948) L.J. van der Pauw, A method of measuring specific resistivity and Hall effect of discs of arbitrary shape, Philips Research Reports 13 (1), 1-9 (1958) D.V. Lang, Deep-level transient spectroscopy: A new method to characterize traps in semiconductors, J. Appl. Phys. 45, 3023-3032 (1974) Bose-Einstein-Condensation H.K. Onnes, Further experiments with liquid helium D - On the change of the electrical resistance of pure metals at very low temperatures, etc V The disappearance of the resistance of mercury, PROCEEDINGS OF THE KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN TE AMSTERDAM 14, 113-115, Part 1 (1911) J.G. Bednorz, A.K. Müller, Possible High-TC Superconductivity in the Ba-La-Cu-O System, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK B-CONDENSED MATTER 64 (2), 189-193 (1986) K.B. Davis, M.O. Mewes, M.R. Andrews, N.J. Vandruten, D.S. Dufree, D.M. Kurn, W. Ketterle, Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Gas of Sodium Atoms, Physical Review Letters 75 (22), 3969-3973 (1995) J.P. Eisenstein, A.H. MacDonald, Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in bilayer electron systems, Nature 432 (7018), 691-694 (2004)
Topics and selected publications (2) Crystal growth H.L. Störmer, A. Pinczuk, A.C. Gossard, W. Wiegmann, Influence of an undoped (AlGa)As spacer on mobility enhancement in GaAs-(AlGa)As superlattices, Applied Physics Letters 38 (9), 691-693 (1981) J. Faist, F. Capasso, D.L. Sivco, C. Sirtori, A.L. Hutchinson, A.Y. Cho, Quantum Cascade Laser, Science 264 (5158), 553-556 (1994) K.S. Novoselov, A.K. Geim, S.V. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S.V. Dubonos, I.V. Grigorieva, A.A. Firsov, Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films, Science 306 (5696), 666-669 (2004) S. Nakamura, T. Mukai, M. Senoh, High-power GaN p-n-junction blue-light-emitting diodes, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 30 (12), 1998-2001 (1991) Topologically protected states K. von Klitzing, G. Dorda, M. Pepper, New Method for high-accuracy determination of the fine structure constant based on quantized Hall resistance, Physical Review Letters 45 (6), 494-497 (1980) D.C. Tsui, H.L. Störmer, A.C. Gossard, Two-dimensional magnetotransport in the extreme quantum limit, Physical Review Letters 48 (22), 1559-1562 (1982)
Seminal Discoveries & Developments Paper Reading Group I, WS 2014/15 Participant list Date Name/email Topic October 13 2015 Introduction October 20 2015 Organizational meeting October 27 2015 November 3 2015 The transisotor, Van der Pauw method November 10 2015 Modulation doping November 17 2015 DLTS November 24 2015 Quantum Hall effect December 1 2015 Fractional Quantum Hall effect December 8 2015 Graphene December 15 2015 Superconductivity January 5 2015 Excitons in electron bilayers January 12 2016 High-temperature superconductivity January 19 2016 BEC of an atom gas January 26 2016 Blue light-emitting diode February 2 2015 Quantum cascade laser February 2015 Oral Exams
Seminal Discoveries & Developments Paper Reading Group II, WS 2014/15 Participant list, join PRGI for non-occupied topics Date Name/email Topic October 13 2015 Introduction October 20 2015 Organizational meeting October 27 2015 November 3 2015 The transisotor, Van der Pauw method November 10 2015 Modulation doping November 17 2015 Random telegraph noise November 24 2015 Quantum Hall effect December 1 2015 Fractional Quantum Hall effect December 8 2015 Graphene December 15 2015 Superconductivity January 5 2015 Excitons in electron bilayers January 12 2016 High-temperature superconductivity January 19 2016 BEC of an atom gas January 26 2016 Blue light-emitting diode February 2 2015 Quantum cascade laser February 2015 Oral Exams