Introduction to IDEA Outline Andrea Giuliani What is IDEA ? Como – 8th April 2004 IDEA kick-off meeting Introduction to IDEA Andrea Giuliani Outline What is IDEA ? Short review of the tasks and some comments Discussion on the budget Meetings and connections among participants Where is DBD today and what is our role
What is IDEA ? (1) IDEA is NOT a Double Beta Decay experiment the budget is ridiculously small three different techniques are represented what IDEA should NOT be a small correction to the funding of existing experiments of course, “pecunia non olet”, but I hope that IDEA will be something more than just a little bit more money for NEMO, CUORE, GERDA...
What is IDEA ? (2) what IDEA should provide: as a minimal target, the realization of specific, well defined, projects which increase the potential of existing/future experiments in a documentable way the active collaboration of physicists coming from different experiences for the completion of these projects as a maximal target, new ideas (and their experimental tests) not contained in the present programs for Double Beta Decay search a selenium-based bolometer an enriched TeO2 bolometer working properly examples
Review of the tasks Isotope enrichment 82Se project 150Nd project Cosmogenic induced activity Underground crystal growth Rejection of surface radioactivity Ge diodes in liquid nitrogen
Isotope enrichment Objectives: Leading contractor: CNRS Comments: S. Jullian Objectives: Production of 82Se Production of 150Nd with the novel Ion Cyclotron Resonance enrichment method (it requires substantial R&D work and success is not guaranteed) Feasibility study on the enrichment of Ca in 48Ca with novel techniques Enrichment of Cd in 116Cd Enrichment of Te in 130Te Further production of 82Se (subject to revisions of the enrichment plan) Supply of the European Bank of Isotopes with the nuclides produced, in common with NW Leading contractor: CNRS Comments: only the first point is well defined not enough money/resources for all the points selection selection depending on programs in NW and on results from other tasks
82Se project Objectives : Leading contractor: CNRS Comment: D. Lalanne Chemical purification of the 82Se produced in task “Isotope Enrichment” Realisation of the 82Se source for tracking experiments Feasibility study of a bolometric experiment based on 82Se In case of positive outcome of the previous item, development of Se-based bolometers Leading contractor: CNRS Comment: well defined, “low risk” task
150Nd project Objectives : Leading contractor: INFN Comments: S. Pirro Realisation of a NdF3 bolometer (requires substantial R&D work) Realisation of a bolometer based on NdGaO4 or on compounds with a similar magnetic ordering Development and test of small scale Nd-based bolometers Study of the background in Nd-based bolometers, in case of success in the previous items Leading contractor: INFN Comments: “high risk” task nobody knows if a Nd-based bolometer can work in about one year we should have a definite answer what to do in case of failure? result affects selection of isotopes in task “Isotope Enrichment”
Cosmogenic induced activity S. Cebrian / M. Pavan Objectives : Development and upgrade of the cosmogenic activation codes Study of particular Ge detectors with a well known “cosmogenic history” New experiments based on irradiation of Ge and TeO2 samples with high energy protons at accelerators Analysis of the irradiation results to check/upgrade activation codes Leading contractors: Zaragoza / INFN Comments: well defined, “low risk” task coordination with JRA1 is required
Underground crystal growth A. Giuliani / J. Morales Objectives : Crystallization of TeO2 in radio-clean conditions, by eliminating radioactivity coming from crucibles and other elements Feasibility study of underground Ge crystallization plant (LSC) Feasibility study of underground TeO2 crystallization plant (LNGS) Realization of underground test crystallization plants (in the event of positive outcomes of the previous studies and of positive issues of cost negotiations with the companies specialized in crystallization) Leading contractors: INFN / Zaragoza Comments: strong connection with “Cosmogenic Induced Activity” task it is unlikely that funds are enough for test crystallization plants
Rejection of surface radioactivity O. Cremonesi Objectives : Implementation of various surface analysis methods Implementation of various surface cleaning procedures Realisation of surface sensitive prototype bolometers Development of CUORE-like modules with foreseen reduction of surface radioactivity by a factor between 10 and 100 with respect to present CUORICINO modules Leading contractor: INFN Comment: very critical task: the CUORE success depends on the success of this task
Ge diodes in liquid nitrogen S. Schönert Objectives: Study of adsorption materials, especially for Kr and other potential contaminants like cosmogenic 7Be Upgrade of the potential of the existing nitrogen (gas) purification plant (which is housed in LNGS) in order to serve a large self-shielding liquid nitrogen tank Test operation of Ge diodes in purified nitrogen Leading contractor: MPI Heidelberg Comment: task with a well defined self-consistent program
EU grant: division among tasks and contractors (preliminary guideline)
Meetings and connections General meeting: every SIX months (merged with NW meeting) Check of the milestone achievements Set of future milestones Next general meeting: October 2004 location to be decided during this meeting THREE months after each general meeting: “middle term deadline” Advancement reports of the task leaders (to be put on the WEB site) General report of the coordinator on the basis of the task advancement report Next middle term deadline: 15th July Sub-meetings of the working groups when necessary, keeping the coordinator informed of their occurence