Innovative Training Works, Inc. Living Online Electronic Mail IC3 Training Innovative Training Works, Inc.
Objectives Identify how electronic mail works Identify how to use an electronic mail application Identify the appropriate use of e-mail and e-mail-related “netiquette” Living Online Back
How does e-mail work? E-mail works by sending information from a computer on a network to another computer in another network. As the information travels, each network that is reached connects the information to the adjacent network until it gets to the target destination, which maybe in a different country. Living Online Back
Components of an e-mail address Name of server or organization Mailbox Name Domain category Living Online Back
Components of an e-mail message Addressing Subject Line Attachment Body Living Online Back
Using E-mail options Reply to All Forward Reply Living Online Back
Using Emoticons ; ) : ( : / : * : - ) : - 0 : - O : - * : @ : X <vbg> <tic> Wink (used to convey humor, sarcasm) Frown, sadness, disappointment, remorse Wry Smile Kiss Smile Laughing loud Shouting Oops (used to imply unintentional mistake) Screaming, anger, yelling Won’t say a word, lips are sealed Grin Very big grin Tongue in cheek Courtesy: CCI Learning Solutions, Inc. Living Online Back
Using abbreviations or acronyms ASAP BRB BTW F2F FAQ FYI IMHO LOL OTOH PPL TT4N TTUL TIA WRT YIA As soon as possible Be right back By the way Face to face Frequently asked questions For your information In my humble opinion Laughing out loud On the other hand People Ta-ta for now Talk to you later Thanks in advance With respect to You’re welcome in advance Courtesy: CCI Learning Solutions, Inc. Living Online Back
Hands-On Activities Surf the Net Search the Net Download from the Net Create and Use a Web-based E-mail Chat with Windows Live Messenger Living Online Back
Surf the Net Go to Choose your subject (Language Arts, Math, Science, etc.) Choose your grade level (High School, etc.) To choose a sample lesson plan, click on a link. You may want to copy the lesson in your notebook for future use or copy and paste the material in Microsoft Word and save it into your disk. Living Online Back
Search the Net Go to In the Search Box, type fighting high blood pressure. Press ENTER. Read the description below each link and click on the one the interests you most. You may want to take down some notes that will help you or a relative fight high blood pressure. Living Online Back
Download from the Net Go to Scroll down the page and click in the button GET ADOBE® READER. Follow the instructions on the screen. When prompted by a security warning message box, click SAVE button. Choose to save the file on your Desktop. When download is complete, close the Dialog box. Living Online Back
Create and Use a Web-based E-mail Go to If you have an existing Hotmail account, please sign-in. If you have no existing account yet, click SIGN UP and follow the instructions on the screen. Create a new message with the subject Howdy. Type How are you? as message and send it to Living Online
Web-based E-mail, Contd. Check for a reply from Linda. Forward the message to Send a copy to and a blind carbon copy to Sign out to your email account. Living Online Back
Chat with Windows Live Messenger Run Windows Live Messenger (If not available, use MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger instead). Use your Hotmail account to sign in. Add the e-mail addresses to be given by your instructor as new contacts. Chat with your friends. Sign out of Windows Live messenger. Living Online Back