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Introduction Global Pattern Geographic Explanation Geography of Religion Introduction Global Pattern Geographic Explanation
Religion: a belief system and a set of practices that recognize the existence of power higher than humans. Monotheism: belief in a single God Polytheism: belief in many Gods Universalizing religions: eg. Christianity Ethnic religions: eg. Japanese Shinto Tribal or traditional: eg. Chinese
II. Global Pattern Christianity Islam Buddhism - Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) → East Asia - Vajrayana (Diamond Vehicle) → Tibet - Theravada (Vehicle of Elders) → S.E. Asia
Principal world religions
Innovation areas and diffusion routes of major world religions
Diffusion paths of Christianity, A.D. 100-1500
Jewish dispersions, A.D.70-1500
Spread and extent of Islam
Diffusion path, time, and “vehicles of Buddhism
III. Geography and Religions Environment and Location of Religions e.g. Buddhist pagoda; feng-shui Environment and monotheism Spatial variation in economy and religions Religious Landscape (Sacred Landscape) - Religious Building - Landscape of the Death Summary
Religious Ecology