Protocols and World Organizations By: Suresh Budhram Merina Cage Ryan Floyd Tyler Tacornal KQ3 - #2
Rio de Janeiro Protocol What happened? Due to the high density of pollution and deforestation in this Brazilian city, the UN intervened to help find solutions for replacing the natural resources and reversing the pollution. Was it effective? Yes; the government established the following documents in response: Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Agenda 21, and Forest Principles.
Kyoto Protocol What happened? UN agreement to take action on climate change, specifically CO2 emissions. The factories country wide are mostly responsible for the negative environmental impacts. Was it effective? Somewhat; each country will ratify the agreement to reduce/limit CO2 emissions, however, the extent to which they exercise the precautions is voluntary. Because there is no penalty, the protocol is not highly enforced.
Montreal Protocol What happened? International recognition and agreement to protect earth’s ozone layer and put a stop to climate change. This would be done by cutting out the use of ozone depleting substances in order to stop the incidents of cataracts and skin cancer. Was it effective? Yes; 98% of the controlled ODS has been eliminated and the rate at which the ozone depleted has significantly reduced.
Paris Conference What happened? Incentives established to help combat forest degradation and reducing carbon stocks. Was it effective? Somewhat; each country that ratifies agrees to a targeted emission reduction, but not all states implemented.
Bali Conference What happened? 180 countries brought together to attack unsustainable environments. The plan was divided into 5 main categories: shared vision, mitigation, adaptation, technology, and financing. Was it effective? Yes; many countries followed up on it and reported back with positive results. Establishment of mitigation and adaptation to climate change as equally important is now widely accepted.
WWF Organization Mission: stop the degradation of our planet’s natural environment. LEDC – Myanmar & Belize Promoting good water governance and deforestation. Educating on effects of deforestation on environment. MEDC – US Calling for urgent and accelerated action on climate change from all sectors to combat changing global temperatures.
Greenpeace Organization Mission: acts to protect and conserve the environment to promote peace and create public awareness of climate change. LEDC – Nigeria Working to solve a water shortage problem and slash and burn agriculture. MEDC – Canada Bringing awareness to the vanishing ice and fish stocks.
Wildlife Conservation Society Organization Mission: conserve the world’s largest wild places and biodiversity LEDC – Chile Many protected areas established; local communities supporting wildlife succession and expansion. MEDC – US Education by introducing people to environments and organisms in zoos and aquariums. Re-establishing green spaces in urban environments.
Graphical Visual of Organizations