Allegan Area Curriculum Directors and Special Education Directors


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Presentation transcript:

Allegan Area Curriculum Directors and Special Education Directors Polarity Management Allegan Area Curriculum Directors and Special Education Directors 5/13/14 This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Management Associates

Purpose To enhance ability to identify and manage unsolvable problems Objectives 1. Improve our in addressing the 5 “Cs”: Complexity – Seeing The Forest and The Trees Change – Convert resistance to change into a resource for Stability and Change. Conflict – Create “Win/Win” outcomes by tapping value pairs Chronic Issues – Convert chronic problems into ongoing opportunities. Cross Cultural Issues – Celebrate and capitalize on differences. 2. By Learning: The value of either/or thinking The value of both/and thinking To distinguish between problems to solve and polarities to manage How all polarities look and work The four action steps for managing polarities well over time Above is a sample of a Polarity Management™ workshop purpose and objectives summary. The Consultant Development Intensive is intended to have the same purpose and objectives for you. Plus, supplementing your present skills and wisdom to bring additional value to your clients through: Teaching Polarity Management™. Consulting on issues important to your clients. Combining Polarity Management™ with your expertise in a way that enhances both. Combining PM and your expertise with the existing wisdom, structures and processes of your clients.

Exhale Inhale Clean Out Get Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Too Much Lack of

Activity Rest Positive Results: Positive Results: Negative Results:

The Polarity Management™ Process – 6 Steps 1 -Define the Issue 6 – Action Steps and Early Warnings 2 - Include Key Stakeholders Polarity Paradox Dilemma 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 5 – Assess Realities With This Polarity 3 - Build the Polarity Map The remaining 3 Steps 4 - Understand How Polarities Work

Guide to Polarity Map Content Competitive Advantage * Why? Competitive Advantage GPS = Greater Purpose Statement 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Positive Results of Focusing on Stability Positive Results of Focusing on Change Stability Change Neutral Name of Left Pole Neutral Name of Right Pole 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Negative Results of Over-focusing on Stability to the Neglect of Change Negative Results of Over-focusing on Change to the Neglect of Stability Can’t Compete Deeper Fear * Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit

Familiar (Stability) & Novel (Change) Based on “The Neuroscience of Leadership” by David Rock and Jeffrey Schwartz

Ineffective Leadership Flexibility in responding to new challenges Innovation and creativity is stimulated Satisfaction and energy from new opportunities Clear direction Completion of projects Satisfaction and energy from sense of accomplishment Being Expansive Being Focused and Lack of direction Projects not completed Staff overwhelmed with projects and frustrated with lack of accomplishment Rigidly in a rut and unable to respond to new challenges Lack of innovation and creativity Staff bored with lack of ideas or new opportunities Ineffective Leadership

Step One - Define the Difficulty Individually first: (2 minutes) List the most important things you are dealing with today: What are the most exciting possibilities? What are the most difficult, chronic problems? As a table team: (3 minutes) Compare notes, identify themes and choose one possibility/problem to work on: The district should be moving from: And district is or should be moving to: Step 1 is Define the Difficulty. One way to do that is to make a From/To list as above. Once you have a list, there are two criteria for focusing in on an issue: Is there energy in the group to address the issue? This may show up as great frustration with what they want to move from and/or great excitement about what they want to move to. Does the issue seem to be centered around a polarity or does it appear to be a problem to solve? If you think you have a polarity to manage, you probably have the beginning of content for the lower left quadrant in the “From” list and some corresponding content for the upper right quadrant in the “To” list. To From

11 Important Organizational Polarities 6 11 Important Organizational Polarities From Polarity Management Associates Centralized Coordination AND Decentralized Initiatives Recognize the Individual AND Recognize the Team Reduce Cost AND Improve Quality Competing with Others AND Collaborating with Others Stability AND Change Celebrating Our Differences AND Celebrating Our Commonalities Care for My Part of the Organization AND Care for the Whole Organization Showing Respect for Every Person AND Showing Respect Based on Performance Getting the Job Done (task) AND Building Relationships Taking Care of the Organization AND Taking Care of the Customer Work AND Home 3 Organizational Polarities From The Three Tensions by Dominic Dodd and Ken Favaro Profitability AND Growth Today AND Tomorrow The Whole AND The Parts 1 Organizational Polarity From Built to Last by Collins and Porras Preserve the Core AND Stimulate Progress 7 Organizational Polarities From Managing on the Edge by Richard Tanner Pascale (Left column = the 7 areas of “Excellence” from In Search of Excellence) Strategy ……...Planned AND Opportunistic Structure…..….Elitist AND Pluralistic Systems..……..Mandatory AND Discretionary Style…………..Managerial AND Transformational Staff…………..Collegiality AND Individuality Shared Values…Hard Minds AND Soft Hearts Skills…………..Maximize AND Meta-mize 10 Strategic Management Polarities From Strategy Synthesis by Bob de Wit and Ron Meyer Logic AND Creativity Deliberateness AND Emergentness Revolution AND Evolution Markets AND Resources Responsiveness AND Synergy Competition AND Collaboration Compliance AND Choice Control AND Chaos Globalization AND Localization Profitability AND Responsibility Have a taped vertical and horizontal line on the floor creating the 4 quadrants of a polarity map. Make a tape “+” sign in the inner corner of the two upsides and a tape “-” sign in the inner corner of the two downsides. Make sure there is enough space in each upside for all participants. Have participants quickly go through the list and put a check by their preference for each (30 Seconds) Ask participants to take their workbooks or this page with them and move to the upside of the pole that represents their preferred choice. Start off with one of the pairs. When individuals talk about why they chose the pole they chose, they stay in the upside quadrant to talk about the positives of their preferred pole. Ask them to go to the downside of the opposite pole if they want to talk about the limits or concerns associated with the opposite pole. Key points: We choose a pole both because there is something positive we associate with our preferred pole (its upside) AND there are some concerns we have with the opposite pole (its downside). Opposition becomes resource in filling out a complete map because each group has easy access to one upside and its opposite downside. Combining both points of view gives a more complete picture. The smaller your opposition the more you need to listen to them. This is because a large majority preferring one pole makes the group vulnerable to over-focusing on that pole and neglecting the pole favored by only a few. The group thus is vulnerable to the downside of their preferred pole.

The Polarity of People at Work 7 The Polarity of People at Work + Predictable, comfortable Build momentum on current work Avoid unnecessary risk + Fresh new ideas, excited Innovate for the future Fix what is broken Traditionalists Pioneers - Boring, stuck Neglect the long term picture Hide from things that are broken Chaotic, loss of focus Overwhelmed by change Risky (fix anything AND everything – no matter need) These 2 options are actually 2 sides of a polarity On one side is the conventional approach On the other side is the collaborative approach Polarity management gives us a tool to help us know when to use a play from book 1 and when to use a play from book 2.

Problem or Polarity? – Four Lenses Is the difficulty ongoing, like breathing? Are there two alternatives that are interdependent, meaning you can only focus on one pole for so long before you are required to focus on the other pole, like inhaling and exhaling. 3. Is it necessary, over time, for you to have both identified upsides”? Will focusing on one upside to the neglect of the other eventually undermine your efforts to move toward your higher purpose? Should we purchase PC or Mac computers? Should we adopt an RtI program? Should students wear ID badges? What will the 2014-15 school calendar be? Should decisions be made at the building or central office level?

Key Points Every change effort is part of a polarity energy system. 9 Key Points Every change effort is part of a polarity energy system. Treating a polarity as if it were a problem to solve Reduces the attainability Slows down the process by increasing resistance Even if the resistance is overcome, the goal of the change effort is inherently unsustainable If you want to guarantee the failure of a change effort, tie it to one pole of a polarity. If you want success, tie it to both poles Because polarities are indestructible, any polarity you identify will be a solid base on which to build a sustainable change and a sustainable organization. Review this summary slide.

Basic Steps to Managing a Polarity Well Over Time ** * Fears = Negative results from over-focusing on the right pole to the neglect of the left pole Values = Positive results from focusing on the right pole Fears = Negative results from over-focusing on the left pole to the neglect of the right pole Values = Positive results from focusing on the left pole Greater Purpose Statements (GPS) - why balance this polarity? Deeper Fear from lack of balance Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? & Early Warnings*** Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this left pole. Early Warnings Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this right pole. Final MAP 3 - all elements approved BACKGROUND: copyright, credits, pagination, background color MAP: size, proportions, colors, line weights, infinity loop 3311 (still to compare 4411), synergy arrow, layering TEXT: font, size, color, line spacing, paragraph, alignment, margins

Basic Steps to Managing a Polarity Well Over Time ** * Fears = Negative results from over-focusing on the right pole to the neglect of the left pole Values = Positive results from focusing on the right pole Fears = Negative results from over-focusing on the left pole to the neglect of the right pole Values = Positive results from focusing on the left pole Greater Purpose Statements (GPS) - why balance this polarity? Deeper Fear from lack of balance Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? & Early Warnings*** Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this left pole. Early Warnings Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this right pole. Final MAP 3 - all elements approved BACKGROUND: copyright, credits, pagination, background color MAP: size, proportions, colors, line weights, infinity loop 3311 (still to compare 4411), synergy arrow, layering TEXT: font, size, color, line spacing, paragraph, alignment, margins

Basic Action Steps to Manage a Polarity Well Over Time How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? 1. * Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? 1. GPS Greater Purpose Statement: ** How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on each pole? What Action Steps will be taken? Who will be accountable? When? by date or frequency Measures of improvement? Early Warnings*** Measurable indicators (something you can count) that you are getting the downsides of this left pole. Who will know? Early Warnings Measurable indicators (something you can count) that you are getting the downsides of this right pole. Who will know? What will be observable / measurable Early Warning indicators that will let you know you are in the downside of each pole? Who will know? Deeper Fear from Lack of Balance? * Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands *** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants