TV, Film and Digital Media S1 Final Spartan Values 2016 TV, Film and Digital Media
Objective Create a 30-second spot / commercial for one of CVHS’s Spartan Values. You will be working in groups with a minimum - three people: Camera Operator – responsible for filming Audio Engineer – responsible for monitoring and getting the best sound possible On-Camera Talent – interviewers, actors Expect that your spot will be featured on CVTV 2nd semester so create something you can be proud of!
Spartan Values Cell Phone Use In The Classroom Cheating / Forgery Defacement of School Property Do The Right Thing! The 5 A’s School Dress Code Attendance Tardy Policy / Sweeps Participation Anti-Bullying / Harassment A-G Courses Graduation Stipulations Classroom / School Activity Disruption Defiance / Disobedience / Disrespect Profanity / Obscene Act / Vulgar Drugs / Alcohol Use / Possession Fighting / Assault / Battery Stealing / Knowingly Receiving Stolen / Private Property Littering Possession of / Brandishing a Firearm (including replicas / imitation) Saturday School / Saturday School No Show Sexual Assault / Battery Sexual Harassment Smoking (Tobacco, e-Cigarettes / Hookah, Pen / Vaping Products) Threats To Faculty Toys Truancy
1 2 3 Pre-Production Get into Groups (minimum of three (3)) Camera Operator Audio Engineer On-Camera Talent Select a Spartan Value to present Write / Clear a brief outline of how you plan to approach your chosen topic. Write / Clear 30-second Spot Dialogue (about 60 words). Proposed Shot List In MS Word, create a table outlining the transitions in your film, the shots you plan to use for each and why. 1 2 3
Production Prepare to film Film Talent and Dialogue Wardrobe Decide which talent will be on camera and their dialogue. If no dialogue, what instructions do they need for their role? Wardrobe Make sure talent has on school appropriate attire. No hats, visible no midriffs / bra straps, no underwear showing Film Review your footage in the field to determine whether or not the shoot was good. If not, re-shoot. Check for mics, cables, cases, anything distracting in shots. If you find something, reshoot! Do not depend on being able to edit it out.
Post - Production Upload footage to two (2) different storage areas i.e. Your student ID and your Google Drive Be sure each team member has a copy of the footage AND each editing session. Open Premiere Pro CS6 Set sequence up (See Intro to Premiere Pro CS6 PPTX for instructions) Import clips into Premiere Pro Edit clips Put edited clips together into a sequence on the timeline. Do any additional editing to clips
Post - Production Titles – (right click track name, select rename) Place on a separate “Titles” video track Title slide – slide containing the title of your video Credits slide – slide containing who worked on the project Include: Talent - Everyone on camera Crew – Camera operator, Audio Engineer Editor Extras – anyone else who was involved Transitions - (right click track name, select rename) Place on a separate “Transitions” video track Try to edit clips so you do not need to add transitions. If necessary, use minimally. Place transitions between clips that do not fit together smoothly. Music (optional) - (right click track name, select rename) Place on a separate “Music” audio track You may add music to your video in areas where there is not any dialogue or during the title and credit slides.
Exporting Export your finished sequence Output Export Settings File > Export > Media Output Source Scaling: Scale to Fit Source Range: Entire Sequence Export Settings Format: H.264 Preset: YouTube 1080p 29.97 Output Name: Type in the name of your video Spartan Values – (your topic) i.e. Spartan Values – Tardy Policy IMPORTANT! Pay attention to where you save your exported file!
Submit Go to Log-in Username Password nophishy01 Upload your MP4 video to the DIGITV S1 Final 2016 folder IMPORTANT! Be sure to upload the exported MP4 video! If you upload the Premiere Pro file the assets will not be included and I will not be able to grade your work. IF I CANNOT GRADE YOUR WORK YOU WILL FAIL THE FINAL!