Premiere Timeline
Some terms SMPTE Interlaced/progressive Fps 30 Resolution size: Each frame: 720 px/row x 480 rows
Premiere Short Version Create folders: Premiere/projects/personal And premiere>projects>Cats Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. Used to specify a specific point in the video. Format: HH:MM:SS:FF Interpret as Hour, Minute, Second, Frame Example: 01:10:10:24 So, the above means: One hour, 10 minutes, 10 seconds, 24th frame and
Input the assets From the web site (into cats folder) Right-click Save target as From your flash drive (into personal folder)
Outline of module Importing Making titles Razor music Reducing image sizes Clipping music ( I and O) Volume control
Personal video Project first Start Premiere File>New Project
File>New> Sequence: Sequence=timeline
Choose DV-NTSC Standard 48KHz
Make a title Default Still Name it title Type “… Movie” “x” to save (“Close”) Note: It’s added to Project bin now
Icon vs list views Switch back and forth
Add title to V2 Drag for 6 seconds, or so Add one of your pictures on to v1 . Drag it to 12 seconds
Add song to audio track 1 Razor around 00:02:00:00 explain
Add more images Undo the razor Delete the mp3 from timeline Double-click mp3 Open in edit window Begin playing Use “I” and “O” Save the clip in Project bin
Photo resize Right-click on timeline Scale to Frame size
Creating subclips Double-click your mp3 Loads in edit window Play Listen for starting point Press I Keep listening, press O Save the clip
Volume Place markers Show volume Pull down at bottom of a1
scanning Interlaced Progressive Interlaced: Every other row is “scanned” even lines first, then gun goes back and scans odd rows 1080 I, 720 I Progressive: All rows are scanned 1080p, 720 p