Presented by Julie Rowles / Amanda Edwards


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Presentation transcript:

Presented by Julie Rowles / Amanda Edwards NHS Wales Staff Survey 2016 Presented by Julie Rowles / Amanda Edwards

NHS Wales Staff Survey 2016 Why? The largest census of colleague experience in the NHS in Wales, and the first national survey since 2013 In important insight into working lives – so that action can be taken nationally, organisationally and locally within teams and departments An opportunity to take action on the issues that matter most to our colleagues Comparative results will be available for any team, department or directorate where more than 11 responses have been received

NHS Wales Staff Survey 2016 What? Six Themes in the survey: Theme 1: Overall job satisfaction and engagement Theme 2: Focus on quality and patient care Theme 3: Creating positive work climates Theme 4: Supporting staff through positive human resource management practices Theme 5: Ensuring effective team-working Theme 6: Building trust

NHS Wales Staff Survey 2016 When? Issued on behalf of NHS Wales by independent survey provider Quality Health on 15 August. Sent to 50% of the workforce or 1250 people, whichever is the greater. This means that we have a sample of 1250 - around 72% of colleagues in PTHB have received the survey. Two reminders issued by Quality Health during the survey period. Closing date of 21 October.

Our Approach Clear leadership message from the CEO Tight project team – Staff-Side, Comms, WOD, IT Simple Communications Plan Focus on addressing the main barriers to completion: Lack of awareness of the survey and/or access & privacy to complete it Lack of confidence in confidentiality of the survey Lack of belief that managers, the organisation or the NHS as a whole will take action Also, encouraging managers to place this in a local context of colleague feedback A trajectory to plot progress – with a core target and a stretch target Regular review points including with Chat To Change Champions and Staff-Side

Our Approach Covering letter with Staff Survey from CEO All-staff bulletin from CEO Briefing Pack for managers and Chat To Change champions Regular Powys Announcements Using face-to-face opportunities to reinforce key messages Simple “Engagement and Communications Plan On A Page” Our comms approach has been shared across Wales as an example of good practice

Overall Welsh Results at Week 7 At the end of week 7, and with 3 weeks to go, the staff survey response rate has now reached 28% across WALES. This means that the overall response rate for Wales has exceeded the 2013 survey. Health Board response rates range from 23% (Aneurin Bevan) to 38% (Powys) Results also available for Trusts (e.g. Public Health Wales 47%, WAST 27%) and Hosted Services (e.g. CHCs) Quality Health issued their second reminders to non-responders on 30 September 2016. Survey closes on 21 October 2016

How are we doing? Up to Friday 30th September 2016 – We are the best performing health board and second overall behind PHW!!! The results in the table above are for PTHB staff and not hosted services PTHB Hosted Services: Health and Care Research Wales (49%), CHCs (30%), All Wales Continuing Care (60%) ClientHostName Total Sent Completed Non Returned Response Rate Public Health Wales NHS Trust 1250 586 663 47% Powys Teaching Local Health Board 476 773 38% Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board 8211 2402 5700 30% Velindre NHS Trust 361 876 29% Cwm Taf Local Health Board 3914 1072 2827 27% Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust 1546 414 1131 Hywel Dda Local Health Board 4535 1120 3367 25% Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board 7776 1858 5917 24% Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board 7040 1705 5299 Aneurin Bevan Local Health Board 6397 1492 4900 23% OVERALL RESPONSE RATE FOR WALES 45406 12469 32699 28%

How are we doing?

Delivering the Survey Local Actions to 21 October Second and final reminder issued by Quality Health on 30 September. Continue to implement Communications Plan. Clarify whether we can obtain team and department-level response rates from Quality Health as a stimulus for local action (no response to date). Paper response rate is currently lagging behind e-return, so undertake focused support with Estates and Facilities to support increased response. Continue to raise awareness of the survey via line management cascade, WOD Business Partners, Staff-Side representatives, internal meetings, Powys Announcements, Chat to Change Champions etc.. Send information / guidance to all managers within Powys reminding them of their role within their team and importance of making time to complete the survey – encourage them to invite Executives to local events and activities to discuss and promote the staff survey Closing date 21 October

Turning Results into Action: National Next Steps (draft) 6th October – national workshop to review draft format for organisational reports Mid November – data tables sent to CEO’s, WOD Directors and Chair of Staff Side in each organisation Following week – Online reporting platform (SOLAR) released for access by key stakeholders (as nominated by each organisation) – training will be provided Early December – Partnership Forum discussion about main themes/trends in data Mid December – full reports are issued to each organisation Health Board Workshops – A workshop for around 50 colleagues will be offered in each organisation. Timings have not been confirmed and national discussion is underway to confirm the involvement of the Cabinet Secretary and/or Andrew Goodall. NB the national timetable remains subject to change and we have not yet received confirmation of the date on which results can be shared (a) with colleagues and (b) in public. 

Turning Results into Action Local Next Steps Confirm the pool of people to have training in the SOLAR online portal (e.g. Staff Survey project team members plus WOD Business Partners) Agree the process for sharing the initial information with the organisation (e.g. VoicePiece from Chief Executive to the organisation) Agree the process for responding to the results, e.g. support a debate through Chat To Change Champions encourage local ownership by asking all team leaders to hold a workshop or event to share the results for their area and propose the top three priorities for local and organisation-wide action, supported by WOD Business Partners aggregate the “top three priorities” across the organisation to create a consolidated delivery plan Confirm the formal governance process for receiving the results and our response to them (e.g. results to Execs following receipt in November & December, results to WOD in November/December, response to results to Exec and WOD in new year). NB This is subject to confirmation of the national timetable

Turning Results into Action: Indicative local timetable December/January 2017: Results shared across the organisation via team leaders and Chat To Change champions, prompting a debate about team and PTHB-wide priorities January 2017: Following engagement across the organisation, Executive Team and WOD Committee review the outputs and consider the top priorities at organisational level. January 2017: Present the PTHB results to Board on 27 January 2017 February 2017: Continue to work with managers, staff-side, Chat To Change to finalise plans and priorities in response to the staff survey and put into practice February / March 2017: Organisational response reviewed by Executive Team and WOD Committee March 2017: Organisational response agreed by Board on 22nd March 2017