Youth City Councils Stanley M. Guy, M.S.S. Utah State University Extension, Logan, Utah Mission: “To provide opportunity for youth to develop mature citizenship, leadership, a sense of personal achievement, and an understanding of government.” Association of Youth Councils’ Role: Recruit, maintain Association Members Expand Association Advise New Councils Emulate City, Town Councils with Youth Mayor, Council Members, Recorder, Department Heads, Ad Hoc Committees Promote Youth Council Charters Provide technical assistance, training, support for advisors Extension’s Role: Started program in early 70’s Promote to municipal government Distribute Guidebooks Hold Leadership Institutes Implement “Awards of Excellence” program Provide technical assistance, training, support for advisors 100+ communities now sponsor, or have sponsored Youth City Councils. Youth City Councils advocate for youth civic involvement; engage youth in solving community problems, and in building community pride and service. Annual Youth City Council Leadership Institutes have been held at Utah State University since 1982. Motivational speakers Best Practices Breakout Workshops: Community Leaders Youth City Councils USU Student Leaders Awards of Excellence Concert, Dance, Banquet Contact Information: Stan Guy, Community Development Educator, Utah State University Extension, 435-797-3221,,