Regents Review Topics Geology Minerals Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Rock Cycle
All found on the last page What is a Mineral? -naturally occurring -inorganic -solid -with definite chemical composition -definite molecular structure All found on the last page of the ESRT
What are some mineral characteristics? Color: Least relaible. Many minerals share the same color & the same mineral may have different colors Streak: color of mineral in powdered form. Determined by streaking It on a white plate. Luster: the way light reflects off it; metallic shine. Hardness: Determined by scratching it on glass and seeing which is Harder. Cleavage/Fracture: tendency for minerals to split. If not predictable or even ;fracture.
Rocks formed from the cooling of What are igneous Rocks? Rocks formed from the cooling of molten materials. Lava: above ground Magma: Below ground. Chart is Found on Page 6 of the ESRT
Types of Igneous Rocks Felsic:Low density, light color, Composition AL & Quartz Mafic: High Density, Dark color, Composition Fe, Mg & Pyroxene Intrusive: larger crystals, cooled Slowly Extrusive: small/no crystals, Glasslike, gasholes. Cooled Quickly
What are sedimentary Rocks? Rocks made up of other sediments. Features of these Rocks: Smaller sediments cemented together Fossils Layers
How do we classify Sedimentary Rocks? Using Page 7 in the ESRT Clastic: land derived; further classified According to grain size. Formed from Compaction & Compression. Non-Clastic- these further break into: Crystallines: Formed from evaporation of Water & precipation of the mineral. These look like crystals Bioclastics- made from fossils
What are Metamorphic Rocks? Using Page 7 in the ESRT These rocks formed through extreme heat &/or pressure & formed from other rocks. There features are: More dense More resistant Foliated Have bands
What is the Rock Cycle? The rock cycle explains how rocks go through all sorts of changes and are constantly being recycled.