Genie in a Teapot
Let’s open it. Look! There’s a teapot. What teapot? One day, four pupils found a teapot at school.
Wow ! It’s magic. Oh my God ! One of them picked up the teapot and opened it.
I can’t believe my eyes. I’m free. All of a sudden, a genie came out of the teapot.
Great! Thank you, children. I’ll grant each of you three wishes. The genie thanked the children for freeing him and promised to grant each of them three wishes.
I wish I were the first spaceman in Hong Kong.
I wish I could fly to Mars in a space shuttle.
I wish to make friends with the creatures living there.
I wish to be a famous pop singer in Hong Kong.
I wish I could hold a concert with Andy Lau.
I wish I had many beautiful clothes.
best actors in the world. I wish I were one of the best actors in the world.
I wish for a computer and a digital camera.
I wish for a lot of robots to play with.
I wish for peace and love in the world.
I wish to be a caring nurse.
the needy people in Africa. I wish to take care of the needy people in Africa.
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? ~ The End ~