Tools for Process Improvement Quality Management Chapter 11 Tools for Process Improvement
Key questions Why are process diagrams important? How do two process diagnosis tools work? What is the main purpose of statistical process control? Control charts help detect changes in a process by taking advantage of two ideas. What are these two ideas? What rule of thumb is used to determine when to stop a process when using a control chart, & what tradeoff is considered when determining how tight to set control limits? What types of process changes are , R, S, & P charts designed to detect? What do process capability indices measure, how should an index value greater than 1.0 be interpreted, & and what is the meaning of six sigma? What are the Pareto phenomenon, central limit theorem, & law of large numbers, & how are these principles relevant for process improvement? What are the managerial insights from the chapter?
Road map Diagnosis Control and Capability Summary
Diagnosis A challenge An apparent problem or opportunity associated with a process Where to focus improve efforts for most benefit? Unless a very simple process, the answer may not be obvious First, ensure a basic understanding of the process E.g., process is well documented; process diagrams are useful Second, 2 simple high-level diagnostic tools can be useful
Diagnosis Pareto analysis PON: Pareto phenomenon – lion’s share of aggregate measure determined by relative few factors Pareto analysis – separating the important few from the trivial many Analyze process output Identify problems in the output & group into categories Identify the most important category (or categories) – the choice for the measure of “importance” usually reflects a combination of impact & ability to influence For example 80% of customer complaints are due to order processing errors, & 70% of order processing errors are due to incorrect pricing, & 90% of pricing errors are due to improper value-added tax and/or application of discounts Focus on tax & discounts
Diagnosis Cause & effect diagram A graphical tool for helping to sort out the root causes of an effect E.g., may be useful during a brainstorming session high defect rate equipment people reward system methods materials not holding tolerances poor climate control old HVAC system no preventative maintenance
Road map Diagnosis Control and Capability Summary Control Charts Process Capability Summary
Statistical process control Big picture Output from a process is almost the same over time The challenge is to detect when the process has fundamentally changed amidst apparent random variation Why? Rapidly identify source of change & correct A tool for process improvement How? Draws on human ability to visually detect patterns & probability theory (specifically, hypothesis testing)
Control Example Protecting against a biological warfare attack Resilient Supply Chains, Yossi Sheffi The most dangerous attack is one where you don’t know that you’re under attack E.g., beginnings of epidemic not recognized until too late SPC analysis of hospital admission rates can be used to help provide early indication of attack
SPC basics Periodically take a sample of process output Control SPC basics Periodically take a sample of process output Compute statistic of interest, e.g., mean part diameter Plot the sample statistic If there is pattern in the plot or if a point is outside control limits, then indicates fundamental change in process stop the process to investigate, & correct at source if change identified
SPC chart A plot of sample means over time Control SPC chart Promoting a cycle of process improvement evidence that process is out of control; intervene to correct source of the problem evidence that process is out of control intervene to correct source of problem make change to improve the process control limits updated to reflect behavior of improved process when in control UCL LCL CL A plot of sample means over time
Control Types of SPC charts Variable data – approximately continuous (e.g., part diameter) Xbar-chart ( ) - detect change affecting the process mean R-chart & S-chart – detect change affecting process variation Attribute data – frequency or count P-chart – detect change affecting proportion of a feature Our focus – Xbar-chart . . . basic concepts applied in other charts
Xbar-chart control limits What we need Sample size (n) Mean part diameter when process is in control (x) Standard deviation of part diameter when in control (x) Control limit level (value of z), e.g., 2 or 3 Compute standard deviation of sample mean & add/subtract from mean
Control Example You have been collecting daily water samples (10 vials) from the Yakich river over the last year The pollution level in each vial is measured & recorded Greenway Chemicals, Inc. has just opened a plant upstream with a pledge to purify any outflow to the Yakich Interested in assessing whether the company is being true to their pledge If not, need hard evidence for hope of court injunction to suspend operation
Control Yakich river data Pollution mean & standard deviation prior to plant operation (based on 3,211 vials) are 27.10 & 6.07 Values for the last 30 vials since the plant came on-line: Day 1: 17.43, 26.20, 23.82, 27.55, 35.18, 30.01, 19.33, 39.45, 42.88, 34.76, sample mean = 29.66 Day 2: 50.35, 21.04, 44.65, 41.11, 21.42, 30.05, 36.11, 23.99, 17.38, 27.00, sample mean = 31.31 Day 3: 29.30, 40.90, 22.23, 37.08, 31.08, 29.33, 21.44, 25.74, 37.60, 46.08, sample mean = 32.08 Evidence of wrongdoing?
Xbar-chart Sample standard deviation = 6.07/(10)1/2 = 1.92 Control Xbar-chart Sample standard deviation = 6.07/(10)1/2 = 1.92 2 values in a row outside the 2 control limits Highly unlikely without fundamental change to the process It is likely that the plant is polluting
What about the selection of z? Control What about the selection of z? Controls limits = x zn-1/2 With z = 3 (3-sigma level) A 99.7% chance that a sample mean will fall within the control limits when the process is “in control” With z = 2 (2-sigma level) A 95.5% chance that a sample mean will fall within the control limits when the process is “in control”
Control A trade-off Recall that stop the process whenever a sample mean falls outside the limits (in addition to appearance of pattern) The basic trade-off in the selection of z: cost of stopping the process unnecessarily i.e., process is in control, or behaving as designed versus not stopping the process when appropriate i.e., process is not behaving as designed
Two principles of nature Control Two principles of nature Central limit theorem As sample size (n) increases, the sample mean becomes approximately normally distributed Reason why 2-sigma corresponds to 95.5% & 3-sigma corresponds to 99.7% - normal distribution is basis for setting control limits Law of large numbers, which is? The larger the sample size, the more likely to detect change in process Evident in formula for sample standard deviation
Road map Diagnosis Control and Capability Summary Control Charts Process Capability Summary
Measuring process capability Cp & Cpk process capability indices A measure of how well a process can satisfy specific market requirements E.g., with respect to tolerances on acceptable dimensions Cp = Cpk if process mean centered within upper & lower specification limits Cpk is more accurate measure of capability when the process mean is not centered, Large difference between Cp & Cpk signals improvement opportunity E.g., can improve capability if process mean is shifted to be centered within specs
Cp process capability index USL – upper specification limit LSL – lower specification limit X = random variable for measure of process output X = standard deviation of X Cp = (USL – LSL)/(6X)
Capability Example Part diameter needs to be between 2.97mm & 3.03mm USL = 3.03, LSL = 2.97, X = 0.01 Process mean is centered, i.e., X = 3.00 Cp = (USL – LSL)/(6X) = 0.06/0.06 = 1.00
Interpreting Cp If process is centered, then Capability Interpreting Cp If process is centered, then Cp = 1.00 99.7% of parts within specs Cp < 1.00 less than 99.7% of parts within specs Cp > 1.00 more than 99.7% of parts within specs Cp = 1.00 generally viewed as benchmark for minimum level of acceptable process capability
Cpk process capability index For comparison: Cp = (USL – LSL)/(6X) Cpk = min{(USL – X)/(3X), (X – LSL)/(3X)} Cpk = Cp if process mean is centered within specs Centered X = LSL + (1/2)(USL – LSL) (USL – X)/(3X) = (USL – [LSL + (1/2)(USL – LSL)])/(3X) = (USL – LSL)/(6X) = Cp (X – LSL)/(3X) = ([LSL + (1/2)(USL – LSL)] – LSL)/(3X) = (USL – LSL)/(6X) = Cp Otherwise Cpk < Cp
Example Part diameter needs to be between 2.98mm & 3.04mm Capability Example Part diameter needs to be between 2.98mm & 3.04mm USL = 3.04, LSL = 2.98, X = 0.01, X = 3.00 Cp = (USL – LSL)/(6X) = 0.06/0.06 = 1.00 Cpk = min{(USL – X)/(3X), (X – LSL)/(3X)} = min{1.33, 0.67} = 0.67
Interpreting Cpk Cpk = 1.00 at least 99.7% of parts within specs Capability Interpreting Cpk Cpk = 1.00 at least 99.7% of parts within specs Cpk > 1.00 more than 99.7% of parts within specs Cpk = 1.00 generally viewed as benchmark for minimum level of acceptable process capability Cpk more accurate indicator of capability than Cp Cp highlights degree to which Cpk can increase if process is centered
Road map Diagnosis Control and Capability Summary Control Charts Process Capability Summary
What we saw Summary Two simple tools to help identify where to focus improvement efforts SPC is tool to detect change - meant to provide quick feedback to decision maker (e.g., worker controlling the process) A tool to aid process improvement Two measures of process capability, e.g., to provide feedback for motivating improvement to help Identify where to focus improvement
Managerial insights Summary A measure that is aggregate of independent random variables is approximately normally distributed (central limit theorem) Many decisions/policies must account for uncertainty CLT provides basis for estimating underlying probability distribution Focus process improvement near the source E.g., SPC used by machine operators Quick feedback is often critical for effective & continual improvement E.g., process stopped & investigated immediately after results of sample indicate out of control
Back to key questions Why are process diagrams important? How do two process diagnosis tools work? What is the main purpose of statistical process control? Control charts help detect changes in a process by taking advantage of two ideas. What are these two ideas? What rule of thumb is used to determine when to stop a process when using a control chart, & what tradeoff is considered when determining how tight to set control limits? What types of process changes are , R, S, & P charts designed to detect? What do process capability indices measure, how should an index value greater than 1.0 be interpreted, & and what is the meaning of six sigma? What are the Pareto phenomenon, central limit theorem, & law of large numbers, & how are these principles relevant for process improvement? What are the managerial insights from the chapter?