TOWARDS A REGIONAL PROGRAMME IN SUPPORT OF 2020 ROUND OF POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUSES – SADC REGION United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Program on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies, Lusaka, Zambia, 20-23 March 2017 Ackim Jere Senior Officer – Statistics SADC Secretariat, Gaborone, Botswana
Outline SADC Development Policy Framework Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics – Themes RSDS – PHC and Household Surveys SADC Council Decisions on 2020 PHC MS Planned Census Years Proposed Regional Program on PHC Challenges and Major issues
15 - SADC Member States
1 - SADC Policy Framework SADC Revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2015-20 approved and adopted by Summit in Harare in April 2015 Framework for development and implementation of programmes, including statistics programmes in SADC. Setting priorities, policies and strategies for achieving the long-term goals of the SADC region Guides MS, SADC Institutions, ICPs and other regional stakeholders on the process of deepening regional integration; Recognizes statistics as a special programme of regional dimension
Revised RISDP for 2015 - 2020 Priorities for Revised RISDP 2015- 2020 A. Industrial Development & Market integration B. Infrastructure Support for Regional Integration D. Special Programmes of Regional Dimension C. Peace and Security Cooperation
Priority D: Special programmes of regional dimension Education Health Food Security Statistics Gender Equality Private Sector Labour Natural Resources/ environment Technology / R & D.
6 Pillars - Strategic Themes 2- SADC Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics (Regional Statistics Framework 2015-20) 6 Pillars - Strategic Themes Widen the scope and range of available regional statistical data and indicators; Increase comparability and quality of prioritised regional statistics; Improve services to users and promote wider use of regional statistics; Strengthen stakeholder partnerships and coordination of the SADC Regional Statistical System Harness the latest innovations in Information, Communications, and Technology for statistical development in the region; and Promote statistical capacity building in the region
3 - RSDS - PHC and Household Surveys Statistical Area: Population and Housing Censuses (PHC) and Household Surveys Objectives: To provide a firm basis for overall social and economic planning for the region; To enhance the capacity in Member States for conducting PHC and household surveys and analysing data therefrom. Expected Outputs Data on levels and changes in population and related social variables for all Member States published; Competent core staff at each NSO to plan, manage, and execute census/ survey operations strengthened Capacity in MS to analyse and disseminate population and demographic data strengthened.
4- Sadc Council Decisions on 2020 PHC SADC Council of Ministers at its meeting in August 2015 in Gaborone Botswana in recognizance of the importance of Population and housing Censuses undertaking: Urged all Member States to participate in the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme to take place between 2015 and 2024; directed the SADC Secretariat to develop and implement a regional programme aimed at strengthening Member States capacity for the collection and analysis of census data on common core questions for SADC within the context of the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme; and Urged those Member States with capacity to assist other Member States with urgent need in organizing and conducting Censuses of Population and Housing Censuses by providing requisite human and technical support
5- SADC Statistics Committee Initiatives SSC at its meeting in June 2015 Harare, Zimbabwe: Agreed that MS use the revised United Nations Principles and Recommendations Rev 3, during the 2020 round of PHC, adopted by UNSC during its 46th Session. Noted the need for MS to collaborate in the common use and sharing of Census equipment such as Tablets and other IT equipment and infrastructure to reduce the overall associated high costs of Census undertaking at individual MS level. Adopted guidelines for MS in assisting each other, where possible, with technical assistance and support in undertaking of the PHC to promote visibility of MS collaboration efforts. Agreed on core topics (questions) for the SADC region for detailed data analysis
6- MS Planned Census Years (as reported at 23rd SSC Meeting, Gaborone, Botswana, 13-15 june 2016) Member State Census Year 1 Angola 2024 9 Namibia 2021 2 Botswana 10 Seychelles 2020 3 Democratic R of Congo 2016 11 South Africa 4 Lesotho 2016 (conducted) 12 Swaziland 2017 5 Madagascar 13 Tanzania 2022 6 Malawi 2018 14 Zambia 7 Maurituis 15 Zimbabwe 8 Mozambique
7 - Proposed Regional PHC Program for SADC Purpose: To develop and improve the capacity to conduct PHC and undertake detailed census data analysis in SADC. Key Objectives: To develop and strengthen census data collection and analytical capacity of MS; To promote adoption and use of contemporary technological innovations and devices for conducting PHC including scanning and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) To improve the production and dissemination of census data both at national and regional levels including the production of atlas maps using GIS technology and techniques. To promote collaboration on census-related activities, particularly on conduct and census data analysis among the MS.
Proposed Roadmap for Development of Regional Programme on PHC Activity Tentative timelines Remarks Develop a concept note By May/June 2017 Solicitation of comments and suggestions on zero draft concept note by Secretariat underway Review and considerttaion of drfat concept note by SSC June 2017 Endorsed concept note by SSC submitted ton Council for its consideration nad approval August 2017 Commission/Launch of consukltancy to develop Rgeional propgramme on PHC for SADC October/November 2017 Produce 1st zero draft regional programme on PHC- for discussion only Ist quarter 2018
8 - Notable General Challenges Inadequate resources generally allocated/available for statistics in most MS and SADC sub-regional level; Disparities in the statistical capacity among the member states; Inadequate (and unsustainable) statistical capacity at the Secretariat to co-ordinate statistical activities in the region Absence of a legal instrument for regional cooperation in the area of statistics; Dependency on technical assistance and support from ICPs without sustainability