Saul Envies David Memory verse: And Saul was afraid of David, because the lord was with him and was departed from Saul (1 Samuel 18:12) TEXT: 1 Samuel 18:1-30
JEAlousy is sinful - Evil - bad Definition Saul SAints Envy is to be jealous and want something that belongs to another child This is a nature that is commonly found in a sinner Envy can lead to anger, crying, tantrum and destruction Saul was jealous of David and kept fighting David to destroy him This led to Saul getting killed in a battle Envy has no good fruit and is not holy No envy is found in David. As a saint, he feared and obeyed God Therefore, he was protected by God. If you love and obey God, He will keep you always
David: A Shepherd’ joy SAUL: A KING’S ANGER
David and jonathan
Reasons for Saul’s envy God rejected Saul because he was disobedient Saul knew David would be king after him and so he was unhappy David succeeded in all he did because God was with him Jonathan (Saul's son) was David's friend and he loved David truly The people loved David because he succeeded in destroying Goliath The women sang David's praise because he won
Divine Protection Despite Saul's attempt, God made him to fail. Never envy anyone but pray to God to promote you like He did to obedient and faithful David
Envy is Dangerous: 1 Sam 18:10-25 Envy is bad and will destroy your friendship with God and others It makes your friends become your enemy, your prayers are not answered and then send the sinner to hell Cain killed his brother Abel because he was jealous and God punished him Joseph’s brother sold him into slavery but God blessed and promoted Joseph
Divine protection and promotion for the righteous Psalm 75:1-10 Psalm 23- Protection Jesus our shepherd Promotion Psalm 23 is popularly called the psalm of David. As it: Reveals Gods divine protection over all his children Reveals Gods guidance through all our difficulties David was promoted by God from a shepherd to a king Joseph was translated from a prisoner to the second best in command A righteous child will also be blessed while the sinner that repents will be forgiven
Questions Saul envied………….. Mention three reasons why Saul envied Mention two people who suffered wrongly as a result of envy and the consequences upon the envious Why did Saul fail in his bid to kill David What should be the attitude of a friend of Jesus to those who envy him?
Lesson: envy is of the devil THOUGHT: I will not be envious of anyone so as to enjoy God’s favour HOMEWORK: Go home and make peace with those who have offended you. Share the love of Jesus with everyone around you ACTIVITY: Prayer for forgiveness and cleansing BIBLE WORD SEARCH 1. Righteous, 2. Envy 3. Jealousy, 4. Prospered 5. Conspired, 6. Divine
choruses 1. Let the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight Oh Lord 2. Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart 3. He is Lord, He is Lord , Amen
references &q=bible+picture+of+anger+saul&oq=bible+picture+of+anger+saul&gs_l=img.3...4123.155 02.0.16506. 1j0i8i30k1.6Vr3o11rM7Y#hl=fr&tbm=isch&q=bible+images+envy&imgrc=ZQQfsHzGn9OYo M: &q=bible+picture+of+anger+saul&oq=bible+picture+of+anger+saul&gs_l=img.3...4123.155 02.0.16506. 1j0i8i30k1.6Vr3o11rM7Y#imgrc=g4TYykjvxC_WjM: