Selected poems By David Atkinson
Introduction by David Atkinson Background
When and why I started writing poetry. The early years The rock and roll years Getting serious Thomas Editing & educating Black Eyed Peace
Poetry My definition: Distillation Emotion and connection Music Meaning - read Ceasefire as an example What is yours?
What I write about Ask if they write poetry? What do they write about? Talk about what I write about Read “Gone Fishing”
TASK Choose one of these poems. In your group, analyze it and prepare slides to present it to the class. To prepare your presentation, collaborate on this Google doc.
Analysis : reminder Annotate the poem: Literary devices, Themes, Thematic and formal structure, Rhyming scheme, Tone, diction, syntax, Title, Allusions, Imagery and symbolism… Discuss the meaning/purpose of the poem and prepare a detailed outline for a commentary, including quotes. (include it in your slides) on the same doc.
First Poem: THE GLASTONBURY WALTZ 3 poets are on your Syllabus: Emily Dickinson, Rita Dove and Langston Hughes. Find one who has a particular interest in dancing and find some poems about dancing. Copy-paste them on this Google Doc. and explain how they relate to this poem.
Second Poem: WAVES Research all the historical allusions. Analyze the title. Reminder: Allusion: brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. It does not describe in detail the person or thing to which it refers. The Wave by Hokusai (between 1830 and 1833)
Third Poem: BLACK EYED PEACE What is surprising about this poem? How do you interpret it?
Skype Interview Be creative, original and personal! Prepare questions about David Atkinson, His influences, His creative process, The poems you have studied… Be creative, original and personal! Share your questions and ideas on this Google doc.
Bibliography Black Eyed Peace (Collected Poems) by David Atkinson, 2016. David Atkinson on Twitter Great Irish Poetry Link to the 3 selected poems. High on Poems Poetry Padlet Online tools (Final project) The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms, second ed. (Murfin, Ray) / Literary terms / Meter Devices How to study poetry