Renaissance Art, Part II
Now some more Renaissance style artists: the great Michelangelo, as well as Dürer and Giorgione.
Painting #8 Albrecht Dürer’s Self-Portrait
Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528
Dürer was from Nuremberg, Germany.
Many artists paint pictures of themselves. These are self-portraits.
Albrecht Dürer made a portrait of himself. Here is his Self-Portrait.
Dürer’s Self-Portrait Is his hair long or short? Is it straight, or curly? Does he have a beard? Did he paint himself to look like Jesus?
Painting #9 Dürer’s A Young Hare
Artists often paint nature and animals.
Hares are bigger than rabbits Hares are bigger than rabbits. Hares have longer hind legs and longer ears than rabbits
Here is Dürer’s A Young Hare.
Dürer’s A Young Hare Does the hare have short or long ears? What color is the hare?
Sculpture #10 Michelangelo’s David
Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475-1564 Say my-kul-AN-jel-oh bwa-na-RAW-tee
Michelangelo was a great artist from Italy.
Some artists carve statues. They sculpt; they make sculpture.
In the Bible, there is a story about how a boy named David fought a bad giant named Goliath.
In the story, little David killed the bad giant Goliath,
with a rock in a sling.
Michelangelo made a sculpture, called David.
Michelangelo’s David Who do you think David is looking at? Do you see his sling?
Scupture #11 Michelangelo’s Pieta Say pee-ay-TAH
The Bible says bad men put Jesus on a cross, and he died.
Mary was there, when Jesus died Mary was there, when Jesus died. She held his body, and she was very sad. When artists show this scene, it is called the pieta.
Here is Michelangelo’s Pieta.
Michelangelo’s Pieta Does Mary look happy or sad? Does Jesus look happy or sad?
Painting #12 Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling
In Rome, in Vatican City,
there is a church called the Sistine Chapel. See the roof?
A Pope—who was the most important holy man in the world—
told Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel told Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The ceiling is the top, under the roof.
Inside, the walls and ceiling of the chapel are covered with paintings!
Here is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which Michelangelo painted.
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling How many different paintings are there? (A lot!)
It took Michelangelo four years to paint that!
Painting #13 Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam
Many of the stories in these old paintings are taken from the Bible.
The Bible begins by saying God created the Earth and everything.
The Bible also says that God created the first man, who was called Adam. He had a wife, Eve.
Here is Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam Here is Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam. It is on the Sistine Chapel ceiling!
Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam Do you see Adam? God? Some angels?
Is God’s finger touching Adam’s?
Painting #15 Giorgione’s The Tempest
Giorgione 1477-1510 Say jor-JOE-nee
A landscape painting is a painting of the countryside.
A tempest is a storm with lots of wind and rain.
Here is a famous landscape: Giorgione’s The Tempest.
Giorgione’s The Tempest Is rain and wind coming Giorgione’s The Tempest Is rain and wind coming? What will the mama and baby do? Will the shepherd help them?
The End