Protocol for Developing Spiritual Competencies in Dietetic Practice Stephen Garvey, Deborah Lycett, Anne Coufopoulos, Deanne Clouder Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, School of Health, Coventry University, England Background Methods This is A0 size A board game designed to develop awareness and use of self, spiritual process (assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care), assurance and quality expertise. The increasing burden of long term conditions, many that involve dietetic care, is increasing in the UK, causing strain and pressure on the National Health Service (NHS)(1). In order to ensure that patients are treated with dignity, compassion and respect, a whole person centred approach, taking into consideration social, emotional, religious and spiritual needs, is required. Most of the evidence surrounding religious and spiritual (R/S) care in the training and practice of healthcare professionals (HCPs) comes from nursing and psychiatry(2)(3)(4)(5) The aim of this intervention is to see whether the competencies developed for these disciplines can be applied to dietetics. The use of educational games to develop HCP competencies in several areas is becoming popular(6). It provides a non-threatening environment in which a learner can engage in an experientially to critically assess their understanding, gain insight and reflect on this. To provide opportunity for reflection and analysis of case studies and an awareness of and overcoming of the barriers to providing R/S care. Focus is on the ‘whole person’ allowing players to address and discuss issues surrounding holistic care; the game incorporates all aspects of holistic care (nutritional emotional, social, religious and spiritual) and uses a variety of activities, role play, and online interactive digital stories of patients experiences and beliefs. An evaluation provides exposure to simulated situations in which assessment can take place. Using the media laboratory at Coventry University, students will be provided with a simulated consultation with subtle references to the patient’s R/S health. These consultations will be video recorded and assessed to determine how well students address these needs before and after the board game intervention. Pre and post intervention the students own R/S well-being will be measured using validated tools. How important they rate R/S in patient care and their level of comfort and confidence in addressing R/S will be measured using Likert scales. Qualitative data will be obtained about students experience of these sessions by way of semi-structured interviews. Objective To develop, implement and evaluate an educational board game to increase knowledge and confidence of student Dietitians to engage with religious and spiritual aspects of holistic dietetic care. Participants Results Student Dietitians who have completed 14 weeks of clinical placement would be invited to take part. Ethical approval will be sought from Coventry University Ethics Committee We are presenting the idea and protocol for discussion, results are not available at this stage References The Health Foundation (2014) Patient Centred-Care Made Simple [online] available at <> [accessed November 2015] Baldacchino, D. (2006) Nursing Competencies for Spiritual Care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15 (7), pp 885. Koenig, H. (2012) Religion, spirituality, and health: The research and clinical implications. [Online] available at <> [accessed November 2015] Ross, L., Giske, T., Leeuwn, R., V., Baldacchino, D., McSherry, W., Narayanasamy, A., Jarvis, P., and Schep-Akkerman, A. (2015) Factors contributing to student nurses’/midwives’ perceived competency in spiritual care [online] available from <> [accessed November 2015] Culliford, L. (2009), Teaching spirituality and health care to third-year medical students. The Clinical Teacher, (6) 22–27 Akl, E., A., Sackett, K., M., Erdley, W., S., Mustafa, R., A., Fiander, M., Gabriel, C., Schünemann, H. (2013) Educational games for health professionals. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 1 Conclusion We anticipate that the results of this study will inform the further development of education tools for managing R/S with holistic dietetic care