BEGAN ON PENTECOST AFTER RESURRECTION MATTHEW 16:18 - “MY CHURCH" BEGAN ON PENTECOST AFTER RESURRECTION ACTS 2:36-47 Believe, repent, baptized Remission of sins Added to the church
MATTHEW 16:18 - “MY CHURCH“ God’s Blueprint For The Church Name - Christian Acts 11:26 Finances - Free Will Offerings on the first day - I Cor. 16:1,2 Music - Sing Eph. 5:19, Col.3:16 The Lord's Supper - Every first day of week Acts 20:7 Organization - Local churches with elders and deacons Phil. 1:1, Eph 4:11 Plan of Salvation - Bel. Rep. Conf. Bapt – Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38
MATTHEW 16:18 - “MY CHURCH“ God’s Blueprint For The Church Name - Christian Finances - Offerings Music - Sing The Lord's Supper - First day of week Organization - Elders Plan of Salvation - Bel. Rep. Conf. Bapt “Departure” “Falling Away” 1 Tim 4:1-3 2 Thess 2:3
100 AD - Religious Hierarchy 120 AD - Holy Water 1 Tim 4:1 "some will depart from the faith." 2 Thess 2:3 "the falling away comes first.." 100 AD - Religious Hierarchy 120 AD - Holy Water 140 AD - Religious Holidays 250 AD - Sprinkling for baptism 450 AD - Infant Baptism 588 AD - Extreme Unction 600 AD - Instrumental Music 1123 AD - Compulsory Celibacy 1215 AD - Auricular Confession 1438 AD - Purgatory
MATTHEW 16:18 - “MY CHURCH“ God’s Blueprint For The Church The New Testament “Departure” “Falling Away” REFORMERS Protestant Reformation
THREE MAJOR MISTAKES OF PROTESTANT REFORMATION Rejected certain additions but accepted others Introduced some of their own doctrines > Salvation by Faith Only > Impossibility of Apostasy Resulted in many denominations
The church as Jesus planned and built it REFORMATION “MY CHURCH” The church as Jesus planned and built it REFORMATION The churches as men planned and built them “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” Psalms 127:1
God's Blueprint For The Church Protestant Reformation “Departure” “Falling Away” RESTORATION Protestant Reformation
MATTHEW 16:18 - “MY CHURCH“ God’s Blueprint For The Church Name - Christian Acts 11:26 Finances - Free Will Offerings on the first day - I Cor. 16:1,2 Music - Sing Eph. 5:19, Col.3:16 The Lord's Supper - Every first day of week Acts 20:7 Organization - Local churches with elders and deacons - Phil. 1:1, Eph 4:11 Plan of Salvation - Bel. Rep. Conf. Bapt – Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38
The Steps of Salvation BAPTIZED CONFESS Mark 16:16 REPENT Matt 10:32 BELIEVE Luke 13:3 John 8:24