Contributing to documentation Everybody can help with documentation
Options for documentation Adding documentation as code comments in the source In the Wiki part of GitHub repository itself As a separate repository Creating a “book” using GitBook & GitHub combined By creating samples
Code comments?
Useful tools for Code Comments /// GhostDoc
Wiki part of the repository Wiki has to be enabled for all or for editors only
Demo Editing the Wiki online
Excercise Enable Wiki for your GitHub repo Enable editing for All Create your first Wiki page Create a new page for your neighbours Wiki
Visual Editor to help with MD format Wiki pages Simple construct Markdown text format Visual Editor to help with MD format There are AddIns for Visual Studio There are MarkDown editors
Wiki Essentially the Wiki is a repository itself
Wiki pages The Wiki itself is a repository But without pull request features
Demo Cloning the Wiki repo
Use images that are placed in the Wiki repository Wiki pages Use images that are placed in the Wiki repository I add the images in the Wiki main folder OR I create a standard folder in the Wiki repo: images Reference the images in the Wiki repo using relative paths
Demo Images in the Wiki
The Wiki is a repository, can we do more? Managing the Wiki documentation as a “normal” repo Start with a new repo Clone the Wiki Repo Push the Wiki clone into the new “normal” Limit access to the Wiki repo Use the “normal” repo as basis for collaboration Every once and a while, update the Wiki with the data of the normal repo
Gitbook for writing better formatted documentation But wait, there is more Gitbook for writing better formatted documentation Integrates with GitHub repo’s Enables publishing Online PDF, ePub, mobi
Demo GitBook for publishing
Thank you
Summary Introduction GitHub workshop Git for documentation maandag 11 juni 2018 Introduction GitHub workshop Git(Hub) for Everyone GitHub for a developer Contributing to Others Managing contributions Contributing to DNNPlatform Git for documentation John Keetman Ernst Peter Tamminga