Rounding Numbers
If the digit is five or more, round up. For example: 36 would become 40.
If the digit is less than 5, you round down. For example: 23 would become 20.
5 or above, give it a shove. 4 or below, let it go! 56 becomes 60 98 becomes 100 14 becomes 10
234 rounded to the nearest ten is 230 Rounding Rules Underline the place value you are rounding to. (round 234 to the nearest ten) 234 2. Circle the digit to the right of the underlined number. 234 3A. If the circled digit is a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, the underlined number stays the same. 3B. If the circled digit is a 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, add 1 to the underlined number. 4. All of the digits to the right of the underlined number, change to zeros. 30 5. If there are any digits to the left of the underlined number, replace them. 230 234 rounded to the nearest ten is 230 (There will be exceptions to the rule!) 4
Let’s See An Example 345 Round to the hundreds place Find and underline the place value.
Draw an arrow to the number behind the underlined number 345
Circle the number you drew the arrow to 3 4 5
This number is less than 4 so we just ignore and leave it as a 3! 5
Any number before the underlined number stays the same 345 We underlined the 3, so there are no numbers before our underlined number.
All numbers after the underlined number become 0 345 So this means when we added 0 to the 3 our answer was 3. Our answer should look like this 300
Round this number to the nearest thousand. Find your number. 3 5, 4 5 2 Circle the number in the thousands place.
Round this number to the nearest thousand. Look right next door. 3 5, 4 5 2 Draw an arrow to the right of the number.
Round this number to the nearest thousand. 4 or less, just ignore. 3 5, 4 5 2 Since 3 is less than 4 we do not change the 5.
Round this number to the nearest thousand. 4 or less, just ignore. 3 5, 0 0 0 Change the numbers to left of 5 to 0’s.
Your Answer! 35,327 rounded to the nearest thousand is 3 5, 0 0 0
1) The radio cost about $70. 2) The radio cost $68.47. One of the statements uses an exact number. The other statement uses a rounded number. Which statement uses the rounded number? Statement 1) is the rounded number. Rounded numbers usually end with a zero. Think about the number line when you rounded numbers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The cafeteria is selling ice cream cones for 23¢ and ice cream sandwiches for 48¢. If Ms. Rodriguez buys an ice cream cone and an ice cream sandwich, about how much money will she spend? $1.00 70 ¢ 50 ¢ 25 ¢
Let’s try a few.
Round to the nearest tens.
Answer 140
Answer 960
Round to the nearest hundreds.
Answer 2o0
Answer 200
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