The North and South both experienced dissent over the war. Divisions over the war The North and South both experienced dissent over the war. Dissent is when a person or a group of people have an opposing view point of a larger group.
Division in the South Many Southerners were against secession. Many southerners that didn’t own slaves did not feel that they would benefit from the war. States rights …. Some southern states objected to the Confederate government imposing enlistment quotas on states. South Carolina’s governor objected to officers from other states leading South Carolina troops.
Division in the North Many opposed the Emancipation Proclamation. Some believed that the South had the right to secede. Northern Democrats blamed Lincoln for starting the war. They were strongest in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. They were called Copperheads.
Copperheads Copperheads are poisonous snakes.
Identify the characters in this cartoon. Do you think the cartoonist is a Democrat or a Republican? Do you think the cartoonist is for or against the war? What is the cartoonist,s opinion of Copperheads? (northern Democrats)
Draft Laws Draft- required military service Due to high casualties and high desertion rates both side established a draft.
Draft Laws South April 1862 Men 18 to 35 for three years Later men 18 to 50 were eligible North 1863 20 to 35 were required to serve
“A Rich Mans War and a Poor Man’s fight” Exceptions to the draft on both sides allowed wealthy people to avoid fighting. Southerners that owned more than twenty slaves did not have to fight or serve. Southerners could buy substitutes. Northerners could hire a replacement for $300. This was about a years wage for the average factory worker.
New York Draft Riots Violence over drafts laws erupts in 1863. Laborers and factory workers Rioted for days and attack wealthy men and African Americans. Why would wealthy men and African Americans be targets?
War and Economic Strains War took its toll economically. Shortage of workers due to draft. The first income tax was enacted. Printed Money =Inflation 80% in the North South was affected more. Shoes went from $18 to $800 . Beef 12 cents to $8. $.12 to $8 $18 to $800
Women in the Civil War At least 400 women disguised themselves as men and fought in the war. As in other wars they took over all the responsibilities of men at home. Many women became nurses and school teachers, two professions that were largely held by Men
Clara Barton Clara Barton served as a nurse during the war and then went on to form the American Red Cross.