What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During the creation of my media product, a opening sequence, I’ve learnt a great deal about technologies and they have vastly helped and improved my media product. This is the canon 1200D camera that we used to film my opening sequence. To ensure the different shots in our film opening where affective we had to use a camera which was clear. We found this camera was successful as we were able to record the footage in high definition and the quality of sound was good. As our shots required the camera to be extremely stable, used a tripod. This made our shots look sleeker and more professional.
Computer I used a computer to do all the editing for my opening sequence. I used software such as Sony Vegas to do my editing. This enabled me to cut/crop the unneeded frames. This would allow my sequence to flow smoothly just like a normal opening film. As I had never used sonny Vegas before it was quite hard getting used to the programme. However, I overcome this by practising in school hours and getting help from other students and soon learnt how to use it well.
Programmes Sony Vegas was a programme that media computers. This was a software I used to cut and edit my shots and put the whole film opening together. Taking a lot of time this was successful as the editing of the whole sequence was good as the sequence flowed well. One of the main aspects that was good with this programme was that it allowed us to edit the soundtrack by enabling us to fade/ increase the tempo, so we could create the ideal soundtrack for our opening. Adobe Photoshop- I used this programme to help me make my logo. I used the computer to watch opening sequences of different films relating to my one. This helped me gain ideas for my sequence and for my opening titles, as we wanted this to be as good as possible.
I used another programme, ‘Sway’ to present my work in a more interesting and attractive way, than simply on my blog or PowerPoint. I found this programme hard to use and understand at first but I soon learnt and was able to present my work in a much more attractive way. I tried to present my work in all of the different ways sway offered.
Lighting As my sequence was filmed in the morning, we had some lighting issues. Looking at my sequence, it didn’t look much like a thriller as it was to light and wasn’t scary. I overcame this by using the lighting and colour effects on Sonny Vegas; where I adjusted each clip to the correct colour balance and saturation. To make the continuity of the lighting match as much as possible. I knew from the beginning I wanted a cool and mysterious tone to my opening sequence and so adjusted the brightness, saturation and contrast of my sequence using this programme. I tried to make the whole footage darker and dimmer thus making our sequence look scarier which was one of the main aspects thriller films try to achieve. Here is a print screenshot I took of working on the colour corrector on sonny Vegas.