Greek Tragedy Aim is catharsis of spectators, to


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Presentation transcript:

Greek Tragedy Aim is catharsis of spectators, to arouse in them fear and pity and then purge them of these emotions

Structure Prologue – opening Parodos – first ode or choral song chanted by chorus as they enter Ode – dignified, lyrical verse Strophe – chorus moves right to left Antistrophe – chorus moves left to right. Episode – acts Stasimon – choral ode at end of each epsiode Exodos – final action

Origin Festival for Dionysus – 3 Days, 3 poets, 4 plays each, 3 tragedies and 1 satire, winner Thespis – father of drama, preformed first tragedy Story lines – from mythology, a collective social, political, and religious history; therefore, the audience was already familiar with them.

Actors All male Wore masks – detailed enough so character was identified, generic enough to represent every man Chiton – robe in symbolic colors Cothurni – platform shoes Dramatis Personae – list of characters Hero – hamartia, hubris, reversal/perepetia, recognition/anagnorisis

Chorus Create psychological and emotional background Introduce and question new characters Point out significant events Establish facts Voice outlook of citizens Cover passage of time Separate episodes Do not wear masks Used megaphones

Theatron – seeing place. Skene – generic background, change costumes Theatron – seeing place Skene – generic background, change costumes Orchestra – dancing place Proskenion – stage Parodos – where chorus enters

Sophocles Audience Colonus – 496-406 BC Replaced trilogy with individual tragedies Electra, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus Man’s external pursuit of knowledge Audience Knew the story so kept involved using irony and allusions Expected to learn about motives and forces that moved characters

Things to look for Light vs. Darkness The Scapegoat The Outcast The Hero The Quest Delphic Morality – Know thyself, Nothing in Excess, Punishment is Near

The Story Oedipus Rex (swollen foot) born to King Laius, kills dad, answers riddle of the sphinx, married mom, lived happily with four kids, plague comes to city, action begins Oedipus at Colonus – Thebes, Oedipus’s death Antigone – You’ll have to wait to find out.