SWE and SensorML ESIP Summer Meeting July 2016 Durham, NC Mike Botts Botts Innovative Research, Inc
OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) SWE = sensor, actuator, and process interoperability and integration Supported functionality: Getting data … from ANY type of sensor Tasking … ANY type of sensor or actuator that accepts commands Receiving alerts … from ANY type of sensors or process Robust metadata … about sensors and their measurements (provenance) On-demand processing … within and between nodes Version 2.0 (SWE Common, SensorML, O&M, SOS, SPS) is the result of more than 10 years of collective thinking and is very mature and has been deployed all around the world
OGC SWE Standards OGC SWE includes the encoding standards: SWE Common Data Model v2.0 (SWE Common) Sensor Model Language v2.0 (SensorML) Observations & Measurements v2.0 (O&M) OGC SWE includes the web service interface: Sensor Observation Service v2.0 (SOS) Sensor Planning Service v2.0 (SPS) OGC SWE also supports the hardware interface standard: PUCK v1.0
Today the focus is on SensorML 2.0 A presentation on Thursday will discuss and demonstrate Open Source implementation of OGC sensor web services (OpenSensorHub) NOTE: SensorML is well harmonized with the OGC SWE standards, but can be used independent of them.
What is SensorML ? Models and XML encoding for describing: sensor and actuator systems processes and process networks associated with observation and measurement SensorML models all components as processes physical processes (e.g. sensors and actuators) computational processes (e.g. spatial transforms, image processing, QC testing and QA assessment, fusion, image classification etc.) Processes in SensorML can be combined in Aggregate Processes and Physical Systems Explicit definition of inputs, outputs, and parameters Explicit definition of data flow through network
Why is SensorML Important? Discovery of sensors and processes / plug-n-play sensors – SensorML is the means by which sensors and processes make themselves and their capabilities known; describes inputs, outputs and taskable parameters Observation lineage – SensorML provides history of measurement and processing of observations; supports quality knowledge of observations On-demand processing – SensorML supports on-demand derivation of higher-level information (e.g. geolocation or products) without a priori knowledge of the sensor system Enables Intelligent, autonomous sensor network – SensorML enables the development of taskable, adaptable sensor networks, and enables higher-level problem solving anticipated from the Semantic Web
Example Applications of SensorML Electronic specification sheets for sensors Describing the lineage of ocean buoy observations Including sensors, deployment environment, processing, and QC tests performed Describing sensors and data streams for virtually any environmental sensor Adding geospatial capabilities for tasking of web cams On-demand geolocation of imagery and video Satellites, aircraft, UAVs, AUVs, and Doppler Radar Note: Processes that can be executed on-demand SensorML process chains are agnostic of execution engine protocols An open-source Java-based SensorML execution engine exists
On-Demand Processing (SensorML v2.0)
On Demand Geolocation of Satellite Data NASA Purpose of Demo: illustrate access to satellite observations and on-demand geolocation Client: UAH Space Time Toolkit Services: SOS – satellite footprints (UAH) SOS – aircraft observations (NASA) SOS – satellite observations (UAH) SensorML – on-demand processing (UAH)
Typical SensorML Process Chain
SensorML Models Simple Process Physical Component Aggregate Process Indivisible computational process (e.g. linear interpolator, QC test) Physical Component Indivisible physical process (e.g. detector, actuator) Aggregate Process Computational collection of processes (e.g. computational model/simulation) Physical System Physical collection of processes (e.g. sensor system)
SensorML Properties Common Physical Unique ID, name, description Identification (e.g. serial number, short name) Classification (e.g. sensor type, intended application) Characteristics (e.g. dimensions, power consumption) Capabilities (e.g. sensitivity, dynamic range) Constraints (e.g. time, legal, classification constraints) Documents (e.g. online manuals, brochures) Contacts (e.g. manufacturer, owner) typeOf (e.g. link to OEM description or general model) Inputs/Outputs/Parameters (e.g. atmospheric temperature, wave height) History (e.g. recalibration, cleaning of barnacles) Physical Reference Frames (e.g. sensor frame, image frame) Geospatial state (e.g. location, orientation, velocity, acceleration) AttachedTo (e.g. mobile platform, building)
SensorML Properties (different view)
SensorML Semantic Connections Properties The SensorML framework is very flexible (based on soft typing of properties) Most properties have a definition attribute (must be a resolvable URL) The definition attribute typically links to an ontology entry Improves interoperability (e.g. SST = sea surface temperature = ocean temperature at depth=0) Allows semantic tools to provide robust search Other All SensorML descriptions require a uniqueID (e.g. serial number, UUID, etc.) SensorML instances will be online resources and perhaps discoverable through a registry NOTE: check out the use of definition in the examples on next page.
SensorML 2.0 Basic Examples Example Page: http://www.sensorml.com/sensorML-2.0/examples/index.html Simple Process Description (Linear Interpolator): http://www.sensorml.com/sensorML-2.0/examples/friendlyProcess.html Sensor Instance (deployed gamma detector) http://www.sensorml.com/sensorML-2.0/examples/sensorInstance.html Sensor Model (gamma detector model 2070) http://www.sensorml.com/sensorML-2.0/examples/metadata.html
SensorML 2.0 Viewers / Editors Provide user-friendly look for SensorML document (not XML !) Provide user-friendly view for both viewers and editors (use same look for each) The will be two sets of viewer / editors SimpleProcess / PhysicalComponent (metadata for any process) AggregateProcess / PhysicalSystem (components with flow of data between them) Basic process viewer / editor (SimpleProcess / PhysicalComponent) Use a “Spec Sheet” look-and-feel Design to encourage OEMs (and us!) to create descriptions in SensorML Support interactive features (e.g. graphs, maps, images, etc.) Aggregate process viewer / editor (AggregateProcess / PhysicalSystem) Workflow look-and-feel (boxes representing component with data flow lines between) Support interactive execution of process chain
Spec Sheet Look-and-Feel
Workflow Look-and-Feel
Go To Live Demo (scary) or View Demo Video on Next Page
Demonstration Videos Start Live Demo here: Davis Thermometer ADCP Processing System Martha's Vinyard Workhorse Sensor RDI Workhorse 1200 Initial SensorML viewer/editor demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDdWYLbFmKY Other demonstration and tutorial videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/OpenSensorHubOrg2015
Directions SensorML viewer (v1.0 in Sep 2016) Improve interface Improve helper tools (e.g. graph viewer, map display, ontology view) SensorML editor (v1.0 in Oct 2016) Update RelaxNG schema for SensorML 2.0 Support profile use (in later version, support profile creation) Improve interface for adding, deleting, and editing properties Support local and remote saving SensorML aggregate process viewer (v1.0 in Nov 2016) Decide on workflow graph library Improve interface for viewing inputs, outputs, and parameters Provide back and forth connection to the other SensorML viewer SensorML aggregate process editor (v1.0 in Dec 2016) Support adding, deleting, and editing of component processes Support creating and editing connections between component inputs, outputs, and parameters
Directions -2- Integrate SensorML editors into OpenSensorHub (OSH) Support user-friendly view of response from describeSensor request (Sep 2016) Support creating and editing of sensor descriptions from OSH admin panel (Oct 2016) Support JSON encoding (Nov 2016) Support creation of executable processing chains from OSH admin panel (Dec 2016) Enable the ability to add new sensor drivers using SensorML (Jan 2017) Support Spec Sheet generator (2017)
Links SensorML 2.0 Examples- Github OpenSensorHub – http://www.sensorml.com/sensorML-2.0/examples/index.html Github OpenSensorHub – https://github.com/opensensorhub/ Github SensorML Editor – https://github.com/opensensorhub/sensorml-editor YouTube demos/tutorials – https://www.youtube.com/c/OpenSensorHubOrg2015