Photon(s)+X: Paper Draft Status


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Presentation transcript:

Photon(s)+X: Paper Draft Status Bruce Schumm For the Photon(s)+X Group: National University of La Plata University of California, Santa Cruz Tokyo Institute of Technology 28 July 2017 ATLAS-COM-PHYS-2017-1017 Photon + Jets analysis (strong production; higgsino-bino NLSP) Diphoton + MET analysis (strong + electroweak production, bino-like NLSP)

All sections drafted Limits and exclusion contours being finalized for both analyses; placeholders for now in Results and Conclusions section

Figures 1 and 2 Red: Diphoton+MET Green: Photon+jets

Section 6: Selection criteria for six SRs enumerated after objects defined Two SR each for diphoton strong & electroweak, and photons+jets strong production L  light NLSP; H  heavy NLSP

Sample distributions of selected variables HT (before MET) for diphotons RT4 (N-1 plot) for photon+jets Same sample distributions as for 8 TeV paper Need to coordinate colors (Ryan/Francisco)

Background Estimation (Section 7) Complete description; no figures proposed, just summary tables:

Results (Section 9; Signal Systematics in Section 8 descriptive only) All limits, including model-independent (below) and model-dependent (next page) are preliminary, but probably pretty close to the final results

Etmiss N-1 Plots (Diphoton Analysis) For two EW SRs only  high HT cut for strong SRs makes plots too sparse, plus there wouldn’t be much extra information in them

Etmiss N-1 Plots (Photon + Jets Analysis) Ryan/Francisco also need to color-coordinate for these

Model-Dependent Limit Contours: Preliminarily Available for Photons + Jets Only For diphoton, include three more: Gluino-bino (strong) Squark-bino (strong) Wino-bino (EW)

Proposed List of Numerical Results to Cite in Text (most still ‘XXX’) Likelihood of excess in SRLγj Model-independent number-of-events limits (range) Model-independent cross section limits (range) Lowest (as a function of NLSP bino mass) lower limit on gluino, squark and wino masses for diphoton analysis Typical gluino mass lower limit for the photon+jets analysis

Wrap UP All sections of paper drafted Follows 8 TeV paper quite closely (that paper also had photon + b and photon + l) Exclusion limits being evaluated / finalized Some values need to inserted once limits are finalized Figure colors need to be coordinated between two groups One or two references missing (recommended by “standard language” website but having trouble digging them up)