Sukhdeep Kaur User Conference | October 20, 2016 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Scheduling Preventive Maintenance: Scheduling options for sustainable Preventive Maintenance program Sukhdeep Kaur User Conference | October 20, 2016 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Why Preventive Maintenance? Flexible Scheduling Resource requirements and availability known in advance Higher efficiency of assets Parts and Supplies ready to go Less overhead costs Multiple event triggers - Date, Meter
Date Scheduling Multiple ways to set up time based schedule Seasonal PMs New and improved Sliding Schedule Sequenced PMs Prior Days
Meter Scheduling Multiple Meter Types for scheduling Interval, Parameter and Target readings Can be done on a single asset PM only Can be done along with Date Scheduling for same asset
Easy to Miss Features Skip WO Add Checklist to Schedule Nested PMs Interval Days Sort Schedules to set precedence
Checklists/ Attachments Can be Associated to Schedule Common to all Checklist option Add from Main Task/ Sub Task Attachments/Manuals from PM carry over to Work Order
Live Presentation
FAQ Can I schedule my PM to always fire on weekdays? Can I schedule my PM not to fire on holidays? Can I align my PM schedule to match my crew’s availability? Can I do floating schedule for Meter Types? If I add a new checklist item to my Task would it carry forward for future WO’s? What if I delete a WO created from PM, would it affect future WO’s from that PM?
Questions Sukhdeep Kaur 916.779.7305 User Conference | October 20, 2016 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Scheduling Preventive Maintenance: Scheduling options for sustainable Preventive Maintenance program