Designing Process For Graphic Designers.
Design Brief. A leading educational publication company has briefed you to design and print for their perusal a design process chart. They are looking for charts that will appeal to graphic design students at F.E. level. You are to research, develop and produce a design chart using text and imagery to produce an effective outcome. This must be generated in full colour and printed out on high quality A3 paper or larger (reprographics). It may be a photographic representation of the work.
The Development Process. Research – Other peoples logos, charts or whatever you’re creating. This will help you decide what makes a good designs and what colours should Be used as well as in what style. Sketches – You would make your own sketches ( multiple ) to gather what You’ve from your research for ideas of what wold work well for your own designs. Create – Once you’ve figured out which sketch you’re going to finalise you start To create it on Photoshop or any software or even using photography or drawing/ Painting. Evaluate – Once you’ve created the final design you then go back and see what you Could do to improve the design to make it more effective for the customer.
The design cycle. This is the basics Of the design Cycle.
Process Mind Maps. These were my ideas for How I would create my design process chart and Get across the design Process to whoever is Looking at the chart.
Infographic. Using Infographics for the design of the chart is an amazing way of transferring the information effectively through imagery and typography. Symbols and icons are a great to use because they’re simple but very effective as they can attract the attention. You can also use typography to transfer information because you could create some really nice and cursive text with bright colours which could be a great concept to attract attention towards your process chart.
COLOUR psychology. I chose pink for my research icon because it resembles respect and you need to respect other peoples designs and also to be calm because you don't need to be stressing out about a deadline when you’re only researching at the start of a project. I chose red for my sketches icon because its more physical than than creating designs straight away on a computer in my opinion. Also you have a lot of energy when sketching out a lot of designs at once and you also have quite bit of power because you’re creating a design that someone will be using and you feel powerful doing so. I chose the colour blue for my check list because you need to make sure determine if everything that the client wants is in the sketch and to make sure that it will achieve its goal. I chose the colour green for my creating icon because you need to be stable whilst creating the design on the computer or using which ever materials you have chosen. I chose the colour orange for my evaluation icon because you’l need to make sure that the design is the best that it can be and you may need to use your gut instinct to do so and also be optimistic .
Design Process Chart Research. This is quite an original design process chart as its so simple. I think it is quite effective because it uses a pencil as process and most graphic designers or artists will sketch out they're project ideas before creating the final product. This chart is quite good as it thoroughly explains the process but at the same time it uses simplistic shapes and basic colours. In my opinion the background could be improved although I'm sure how.
This chart also shows the design process for UI creators as well as logo creators. I think think this chart is really good even if it doesn't go into much detail. It is still clear they've used very nice and clean colours as well as very nice and professional illustrations to show what the part of the process goes with what. This is very effective in showing that the process is on going and that you often repeat a part of the process. Although this is a very basic chart as it uses only a few colours and arrows which isn't very effective or eye catching in my opinion and if it wasn't for my research i would've never bothered to have look at it.
This isn’t a creative process chart officially but it Could be used to represent one as it shows that you’re Moving along ( i.e.. Sketches to designing ) and then the Wave goes back over itself ( i.e. Evaluating. ) This may only be a game but it could be used To show that you can skip forward if you‘re a bit Behind on the project and skip it but also that you Can go back and try again. This illustration doesn’t have any colour in it, If I chose This idea to use for my creative process chart I would Definitely add colour to it so it can stand out much more. I think if I was to use this as my creative process Chart I would replace the snakes and ladders with Something else for example a rubber for the snake. I think I will choose this concept for one of my own Creative process charts as it’s a great idea but I would Make sure that it has colour and that the wave has More detail to it. Although I don’t think I will use this concept for my Process chart as a snakes ‘n’ ladders board game has Quite a few snakes on it but with the design process you Tend to only go back a couple times.
Research Conclusion. After my research of creative process charts I conclude that Process charts need to be bright and vibrant, this helps them To stand out and be noticed. They also need to have a good Layout, preferably simple but still get the point across that you Need to go back and re-evaluate your designs so make that The best and most effective as possible. They’re also made more Effective if you use illustrations and symbols for each stage of The creative process charts.
Initial Thumbnail Ideas. Personally I like the Symbols because They’re simple and I’ll use simple colours To keep a simple theme for it. I also like The simplicity of the layout, its easy to read And follow for everyone reading. Although I think that the symbols might be A little to simple, it could make the chart A bit boring to look at or read. I could probably improve this chart by making The symbols more complex so it doesn’t look as Plain and boring.
2. I quite like this simple layout. I think it would make The chart very easy to follow and understand. I also find that the simplicity of the arrows and Circles would be very clean and professional. My only problem with this would be that it might be To simple and boring therefore not catching anybody’s Attention and going unnoticed. I would need to make That it has a lot of colour standing out against each other And try and attract some attention that way. I'm not sure exactly how to improve this without changing It completely so I probably wont be going through With this idea.
3. I thought this was a great idea and is a Great improvement on the original concept From my research in the earlier slides. Although I'm not sure if it will be that effective As I don’t think that it will get the process of Designing across to the audience very well I could improve this by adding other objects That could be found in a pencil case or class Room but not to large so it doesn't take the attention away from the main process.
Class Feedback Me Nathan & Bradley all helped each other out by By analysing each others work and telling each other What was good or bad about our design process Chart sketches and what we would be able to improve. For example Bradley suggested that for my first chart That I put a looping arrow around my upwards arrow To show that I’m going back to something and improving.
My creative process charts. #1 Final Outcome. This is just the basic layout with the symbols the symbols are in great placed and its quite obvious in which order that they go through in. I then added some colour to the symbols and title, I think the colours are the most effective because 1. they stand out and 2. the psychology behind the colours fit each icon. I then resized the icons to make sure that they fit the page as best that they can. I also added subtitles for each icon just to make sure its clear as possible to what each symbols stands for. I decided that the process chart didn't have enough too it and it looked a little bland so I added some text explaining each stage of the process and added a subtle background too it.
My creative process charts. #2 Final Outcome. Here I created the basic shape of a wave for the design process chart. I decided to keep it simple to start off with before I started adding any other effects and I wanted to make sure that the curves were the best that they could be. I then created a clean and simple design for the wave to add some contrast and it also shows the depth differences which I think is a great effect. I also added a sun to be apart of the background so that it didn't look so plain. I then realized that the process chart needed a title so I added one with some really nice layer styles to attract some attention. I also created a background bearing in mind that there is a sun so the left hand side is lighter than the right. After getting feedback from my class mates they told me that i should add some subtitles because before it didn't properly show the design process on the chart and with the subtitles it makes it more effective and more informative. I think I could improve this more if I added sort of arrows to show the process even better.
FINAL PROCESS CHART. Nathan and Bradley Also decided that This was the better Process chart. This is Because the layout Is easier to understand And gets the process Across to the viewer More effectively. They also thought that the background was very subtle but effective Because it isn't too Distracting of the contentof the infographic. I have chosen this Process chart to be My final. This is Because I think its The most effective as the colours for all the icons have the correct psychology behind each of them For example I chose pink for my research icon because it resembles respect and you need to respect other peoples designs and also to becalm because you don't need to be stressing out about a deadline when you’re only researching At the start of a project. I chose the colour blue for my check list because you need to make sure determine if everything that the client wants is in the sketch and to make sure that it will achieve its goal.