AIASFV Design Awards 2017 Entry Submission Information & Entry Submission Template
Project /Jury PowerPoint Submission Requirements All descriptive information, drawings and photographs are to be compiled and submitted using this PowerPoint template. The total size for each entry – all slides included, may not exceed 15 MB. Only native PowerPoint files are acceptable. You must conceal reference to the architecture firm or design team members on all slides/images submitted for jury review. Identification of project authorship within the jury review slides, including the file naming convention, will disqualify the submission. Your submission email subject title shall state the category, project name, and firm name only, i.e. Commercial – First Street Shopping Center – ABC Architects. Your PowerPoint file name shall state category first and then project name, i.e. Commercial – First Street Shopping Center.pptx. Each PowerPoint entry shall contain the following: Slide 1 – Certificate Information (will be removed for judging.) Slide 2 – Project Team Information (will be removed for judging.) Slide 3 – Cover Page containing only the project name and submission category. Slide 4 (& 5 if needed) – Project Description (may use one or two slides.) Subsequent Slides/Exhibits (6-15) – Include images along with additional, succinct annotation if needed. The format and design of these pages are at the entrant’s discretion; you may include 10 slides or less. All pages should remain in landscape orientation. Please include photographs, drawings, floor plans, elevations, sections, renderings and graphic images as necessary to provide a clear understanding of the extent and quality of the finished project.
Project /Jury PowerPoint Submission Requirements (continued – page 2) Image Guidelines: Each slide within your PowerPoint submission should be approximately 1 MB. Full size images should not be smaller than 1920 pixels wide by 1400 pixels high. JPG format is recommended, with a compression factor of 10. The images may either be color or black and white. Images may not be manipulated or enhanced in any way that changes the building itself. Removal of power lines or other obstructions is acceptable as long as there is no enhancement of the building as it appears in its current built form as a result. Sky replacements/enhancements, removal or transformation of building surfaces, materials, and mechanical/electrical appurtenances is not permitted. Remove any firm identification from all images and drawings. The identity of the client should be concealed in all written documents and visual images, with the exception of signage in photographs. Failure to abide by this requirement may result in disqualification of the entry. Drawings: Minimum of three (3). Drawings should indicate scale graphically. At least one each of the following are encouraged: Site plan showing project and its immediate environs, Floor plan(s) sufficient to explain the solutions, Section(s) sufficient to explain the solutions. Building Images – Exterior Views: One or more views of each exposed side of the building and environs, One or more additional views showing immediate environs if not shown in other slides, For a group of buildings, one or more views of the project sufficient to illustrate the concept, including relationship to its environs.
Project /Jury PowerPoint Submission Requirements (continued – page 3) Building Images - Exterior Views (continued) For extended use projects involving exterior alterations, one or more views of the pre-design condition (if available), Exterior views are optional for Interiors projects. Building Images – Interior Views Views sufficient to reflect the project’s solutions. Delete the sample slides as well as any submission instruction text, and send your submission as a PowerPoint file attachment to the following: This is an email address for submission only; there will be no reply or confirmation of receipt from this email address. Please direct your questions to the Chapter office; the Chapter office will confirm receipt of your submission(s). DON’T FORGET… The maximum file size is 15 MB with a recommended slide size of approximately 1 MB. You may not have more than 15 slides. If your file exceeds this limit, please resize it to this range. THANK YOU for your interest and participation in the 2017 AIA San Fernando Valley Design Awards. Best of luck!
Tips for Creating Strong Awards Entries Consider investing in photography - it really can make or break a project. Use a professional photographer if possible. Starting and ending with good photography is key for a great presentation of the project. Include photographs, drawings, floor plans, elevations, sections, renderings and graphic images as necessary to provide a clear understanding of the extent and quality of the finished project. Include details: interiors, details, secondary and tertiary views or sides. Let the images tell the story as narratives rarely live up to the architecture. Brevity helps clarity. Find ways in which particular solutions can be clearly represented – that are transformational and intrinsic to the design proposal. Show the process of getting to the refined, final result – how the architect went through the design process in order to get where they were. Represent the creative thought process. Strong conceptual clarity is important. How did the architect take various programmatic concerns and look beyond straightforward solutions to create exceptional, innovative design responses? Renovations, restorations, additions and conversions should present “before” and “after” photographs. For projects involving changes to existing structures, documentation of original conditions is highly recommended. Include process sketches that communicate the development of the project and/or its construction. Indicate the project’s physical context or site character through graphics and/or imagery. Unbuilt projects should include floor plans, elevations, sections, renderings, graphic images, and/or site plans as necessary to provide a clear understanding of the project. If client-commissioned, include photos of the site location.
ABC Architects Client Name Certificate Information This slide will be removed for judging. Please provide your firm name and client name as you would like to see it in your award certificate. This information and spelling will be used to create the award certificate. Names will be printed in plain English with no diacritical marks or logos. AIA AWARD Project Name Architect Client ABC Architects Client Name
This slide will be removed for judging. Project Team Info This slide will be removed for judging. Please provide the following information for yourself and the project team. All relevant consultants should be included, i.e. structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers, etc. Use as many slides as needed to enter all project team members. Project Name and Location: Firm Name (Architect): Address: Contact Person: Telephone Number: Email Address: Firm Name (Consultant):
Entry Submission Category Name of Project Entry Submission Category
Name of Project Project Description Please provide a brief project description here. In five bullet points or less please list the reasons this project deserves recognition. You may use one or two pages for your project narrative and bullet points. It may be helpful to address some of the following questions: What were you asked to do by the client? What were the agreed upon goals of the project? How did the completed project address these goals? How did you address the design problem(s)? How does this project expand the boundaries of design? How does the architecture of your project affect the community?
Submission Slides/Exhibits Exhibits for your submission may include a vicinity map, site plan, floor plans, sections, elevations, renderings and/or photos. All exhibits should provide a clear understanding of the extent and quality of the finished project. For remodels and additions, clearly indicate the scope of your design.